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Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-AM64X Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG
On Sitara Family of Processors, there are multiple instances of I2C present.
Some of the I2C instances are available in the MAIN Domain[example: SoC_I2C0] while…
Part Number: AM625 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM62P ,
Hi TI Experts,
Could you provide S-parameter and IBIS model of IO-buffer for performing simulations
Part Number: AM625
Hi Team,
My customer is creating their PCB and have a few questions.
Is there any recommendations or recommended values (for interconnect length or CLK-to-DATA interconnect difference) for the peripherals below? Is there…
Part Number: AM625
Hi Team,
My customer has questions about JTAG pulldown/pullup.
Regarding the TCK, TDI, TMS signals, is pullup required?
It does not seem to be mentioned in the datasheet and says in the link below that it depends on…
Part Number: AM625 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SK-AM62-LP
Hi, My customer is using SD card boot only for development phase. For production, only QSPI boot is used. QSPI or SD card boot selection is done by DIP switch on the board. SD…