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Part Number: AM6442 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: C2000WARE , TMDSFSIADAPEVM
Hi TI Experts,
Could you provide introduction and references to using FSI Fast Serial Interface.
Part Number: AM62A7
We have fopen() / fprintf() / fclose() - function calls on A53 which are not working as expected.
The fopen function always return NULL. We are using GCC compiler.
Is this related to semihosting? If yes, how to enable…
Part Number: TDA4VH-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TDA4VH Tool/software: Please provide details on the functionality of the MCU_SAFETY_ERRORn and SOC_SAFETY_ERRORn pins and how they can be triggered by the application.
Part Number: PROCESSOR-SDK-AM64X Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG Tool/software: Hi,
I've updated the MCU+ SDK from v9 to v10.00.00.20 and as per the migration advise I'm trying to generate new syscfg files. However when trying to create a…
Part Number: TDA4VM-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TDA4VM Tool/software: New features of TIDL are always added with new SDK release, but it is not possible to upgrade the whole SDK because this will affect all parts of software. This thread will…
Part Number: AM62P Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65224-Q1 , TPS65219 , , TPS65224 , AM62A7 , AM62A3 , AM62A7-Q1 , AM62A3-Q1
HI Board designers,
I am designing my board using TPS65224-Q1 PMIC
Are there some common recommendation or observations…
Part Number: AM62A74 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS6594-Q1 , TPS65224
HI Board designers,
I am designing my board using TPS6593 PMIC
Are there some common recommendation or observations that i should be aware?
Part Number: AM625 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65219 , TPS6521905 , TPS65215 , AM2434
HI Board designers,
I am designing my board using TPS65219.
Are there some common recommendation or observations that i should be aware?