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  • SK-AM62A-LP: Controls over Exposure in High Resolution - imx219

    Part Number: SK-AM62A-LP


    I am just trying to control the exposure indoor and outdoor.

    I am following this thread…

  • TPS92692-Q1: TIDA-01581 disconnect mirrored string, then reference string flicker

    Part Number: TPS92692-Q1
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TIDA-01581, TPS92692

    Hi TI,

    We use TIDA-01581 reference design for turn indicator which have 28 LEDs (3V*28pcs=84V), so we seperate 28 LEDs to 2 strings (15 & 13).

    When we test open circuit o…

  • LM3409: Flickering light output at certain duty cycles when using shunt-FET dimming

    Part Number: LM3409

    I'm designing a lighting application that will drive a string of 8x LEDs at 24.8V/60mA from an input voltage of 30V. I'm chosen an ROFF1 of 2KΩ, for a switching frequency of ~546khz. I'm using a 47µH inductor. and my shunt-FET has…

  • TPS62816-Q1: Low-Frequency Noise and Ripple

    Part Number: TPS62816-Q1
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62816EVM-140, TPS62913


    I'm currently evaluating the TPS62816-Q1 part with the evaluation board TPS62816EVM-140. In our application it should supply noise sensitive ADC/DAC supplies. I…

  • TPS61181A: Input voltage not supported

    Part Number: TPS61181A


    I am having a problem with the TPS61181A whereby when the input voltage drops below 6V, the lighting output becomes unstable and flickers before turning completely off when driven below 5.5V. The datasheet states that an…


    Part Number: LMH6401


    I am looking for any low frequency noise data for the LMH6401.    We are looking for flicker noise graphs at DC or near 15KHz.  Is this available?

    Thank you.


  • disturbed pixels w. periodic pattern

    In several recordings we find a periodic disturbance pattern in few adjacent pixels. It seems to be a systematic error and not related to random process.

    Can someone from TI please comment or investigate?


    - a single frame has altered values…

  • TPS40211 LED driver and camera flicker

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM3429, TPS92690, LM3421, LM3424

    I've recently been working with the TSP40211 to produce an LED panel driver. To the eye the output is perfect, however this is to be used as a film light and there is noticable flickering…

  • OPT3001's performance under flicker conditions

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPT3001, OPT3001EVM

    Some modern LED lamps have significant flicker amplitude at frequencies in the hundreds to the kHz range. How does the OPT3001 perform under such flicker conditions?

    The issue is of course that unless…

  • Flicker Detect wrong

    Hello TI:

    Ipnc4.0 debugging network camera, I am using now USES for OV9712 sensor.

    But now encountered a serious problem,

    I found flicker Detect algorithm output do not conform with the actual,

    the result of the test environment is the standard color…

  • 1/f Noise—the flickering candle

    The 1/f (one-over-f) low frequency noise region of amplifiers seems just a bit mysterious. Reader “tweet” asked for a discussion of 1/f noise—a challenging topic for a short blog.

       Click Here to read on EDN magazine web site.


  • Re: TLC5946 Ground Noise Issue

    I tried using 22uF bypass capacitors across the TLC5946's VCC and GND, to no avail.  I also added an additional path to ground (the board is very cramped and has very few grounds, so only this additional path exists).  Could bypassing +V be a potential…

  • Re: TLC5946 Ground Noise Issue

    There is no description of how the IC works with different voltage on OUTn.  The IC requires a minimum voltage (specified in the datasheet) on OUTn to meet specifications.   Adding additional capacitance may help.  Specifically, you need to follow the path…

  • TLC59711 to drive open drain high Amp led driver

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLC59711, TLC5940


    a while back i build a high bright led circuit around the ZXLD1350 led driver. i had to tell my arm micro-controller to use PWM with open drain. this worked great.
    i am now trying to use the TLC59711…

  • Re: TLC5946 Ground Noise Issue

    This is probably a layout issue.  You may have large switching currents in the ground plane flowing past the more sensitive analog ground currents associated with the control signals.  When your +V voltage is very low, the TLC5946 probably turns the outputs…

  • RE: TLC 5951 Hello World

    Hello Benjamin,

    It seems that there are issues with the plots you attached in your post. Could you please send them again?

    If you define the problems you observe a little more in detail, it would be easier to help, I think.

    Please make sure that you have…

  • Re: cable length between TLC 5940 chips

    Hello Mirko,

    Please check first if you have a GND problem on the module. Is the supply voltage changing through the long cable that could explain the flickering? So connect just one module through a long cable and measure the voltages on the module with…

  • Re: Problem using TLC5940EVM

    Hello Aparna,

    The interface board is relatively slow compared to the data speed, therefore the delay between the loops could be caused by this low communication speed. Could you send me the frames that you used and also the setting of the software that…

  • TLC59108 Sample Software

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLC59108, TLC59116

    Isn't there basic sample program of some LED illumination patterns of TLC59108?