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LMX2582: How to interface SPI with TICS Pro Software

Part Number: LMX2582
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: USB2ANY,


I'm currently using the FPGA board attached that has the LMX2582RHA clocking chip which I would like to configure with the TICS PRO Software. However, the SPI pins of the chip are not broken out to a header but are wired directly to the FPGA pins. Therefore, it seems the only way I can configure the chip is through the FPGA and I can not use the USB2ANY device. Consequently, how do I interface with the TICS PRO Software? If I flashed a USB to SPI design on the FGPA, would the TICS Software driver detect and work with the chip through the FPGA USB port? Or would I have to design my own programmer and if so is there more information on the programming method and protocol?

Thanks for any help in advance


  • Hello,
    The TICS PRO software is targeted to the specific MSP430 micro for a USB2ANY implementation and would not work with other generic USB to SPI.

    Please reference this E2E for a description of the API


  • Hi,

    Thanks for your response. However, that link seems to be for a Matlab forum thread and I'm not using Matlab. It seems then my only option is to write some c code to program the chip and then run this on the fpga. Where can I find documentation on what bytes I need to send to the chip and in what order to configure the output frequency? The datasheet seems quite vague on this.


  • Hi David,

    Please use TICS Pro to configure LMX2582 and then export all the register values.

    After the first Vcc power up, you need to program all registers in reverse order. That is, starting from R64 and end with R0. 

    To change frequency, you only need to program those related registers and followed by R0.

  • Hi David,

    Could you perhaps use the user I/O headers described in part 17 of the manual to receive SPI inputs, and then use the FPGA as a SPI passthrough buffer to the LMX2582? Then you could use TICS Pro and the USB2ANY programmer, and neither would be aware of the SPI passthrough.


  • Hi Derek,

    Thanks for your reply but unfortunately I've already considered this option. After pouring over the schematic attached it seems they have connected all input pins to switches/buttons or left them unconnected which means i cannot connect the USB2ANY module to them. The only other option is to use the mezzanine connector which doesn't seem feasible. Please let me know if I'm wrong. Grateful for any help.1727.HTG-ZRF8_REV_10A_Schematic.pdf

  • Hi David,

    Perhaps I am not understanding, what is the reason that input pins attached to switches/buttons prevents connecting the USB2ANY module to them? Can you insert a wire into the USB2ANY SPI lines and solder those wires onto the FPGA board? Is the firmware on the FPGA locked in some way, preventing modification to treat the switch/button I/O as SPI instead?
