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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC2G34 FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Output Parameters >> Current FAQ
There are a few issues with trying to determine a maximum capacitive load for a standard CMOS logic device.
First is propagation delay…
FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Quality and Manufacturing >> Current FAQ
In short, there will be no difference between a device labelled SN74xxG4 and SN74xx.
Historically, G4 and E4 suffixes meant that the devices were rated to be "Green" or…
FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Quality and Manufacturing >> Current FAQ
It's extremely common to need to know if one device can be directly replaced with another.
With Standard Logic devices, this is generally an easy process.
The part…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC1G08 FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Output Parameters >> Current FAQ
Very few logic devices specify an output transition rate, and those that do only specify it under very specific conditions.
The best…
FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Quality and Manufacturing >> Current FAQ
Texas instruments has decided to change from non-roughened leadframe to single-side roughened leadframe for some of its parts. For this reason these devices look as if…
FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Voltage Translators >> Current FAQ
According to the design simulation, the variation of the 10K internal resistor of the TXS device can be between 6.5k to 15kohm across PVT.
FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Power and Thermals >> Current FAQ
The vast majority of logic devices do not list a maximum junction temperature ( T J(max) ) on the datasheet.
For logic devices, T J(max) is equal to the maximum storage temperature…
FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Power and Thermals >> Current FAQ
This value is not provided in the datasheet, however it can easily be calculated with given values.
The best way to calculate maximum power consumption is to use your system…