• TXS0102: about TXS0102 Datesheet

    Part Number: TXS0102


    Dear Sir/Madam

    I'm Kondo at Mitsubishi electric corporation Nagoya Works.

    Please tell me about TXS0102 Datesheet.

    Is VCCB=3.3V±0.2V wrong the second column from the right in page 8 :6.9 Switching Characteristics…

  • TXS0102: TXS0102YZPR - usage with external sensor on 1m wire, 2.2K Ohm pull-up, 3.3V (SHT35)

    Part Number: TXS0102


    I try to connect a Sensirion SHT35, 1m wire, 2.2K ohm pull-up (internal at the sensors wire end), 3.3V to a Nordic Semiconductor Thingy:91X.

    That Thingy:91X uses a TXS0102YZPR to switch from internal 1.8V IO to the…

  • TXS0102: TXS0102DCUR

    Part Number: TXS0102


    TXS0102DCUR: Is port A connect to port A supported for two TXS0102DCUR?

  • TXS0102: Partial Power Down and External Pull Ups Required in Powered Down Scenario.

    Part Number: TXS0102
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC2G66, TXS0104V-Q1,


    Wanted to double check that I am using the TXS0102 part correctly and get some input.

    I am currently designing a system in which a set of I2C devices on a…

  • TXS0102: VCCA and VCCB power on supply sequence

    Part Number: TXS0102
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXU0102, TXU0202


    I wish to use the TXS0102 to interface external signals on the side B, with a xilinx FPGA connected to the side A.
    Due to the FPGA Power-On/Off Power Supply Sequencing…

  • TXS0102: TXS0102DCTR: 3.3 to 1.8V voltage translator : Drive Strength Inquiry

    Part Number: TXS0102
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXU0102, LSF0002, TXU0202


    Hi Team,

    I'm using the voltage translator TXS0102DCTR in my board. I want to know whether the IC has enough drive strength to give signal properly to other…

  • TXS0102: IBIS Simulation

    Part Number: TXS0102
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXS0101


    Hi team, 

    Cusotmer is simulating the signal chain with TXS0102. They found that they cannot simulate the whole chain. Thus, they can only simulate two separated chain, one is…

  • TXS0102: TXS0102DCTR part marking

    Part Number: TXS0102


    Hello - we have been updating our database and have noticed that our system calls out the following device marking in relation to part TXS0102DCTR   -    'NFE'

    We also have records of the part with 35UT as the device…

  • TXS0102: SI simulation model

    Part Number: TXS0102
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXS0101



    Can you help to provide TXS0102DCUR SI Simulation Model?

    Customer cannot find it on ti.com product page.


  • TXS0102: Can the OE pin pull up to 3.3 instead of 1.8V?

    Part Number: TXS0102


    Hi team,

    May I know if the OE Pin can be pulled up to 3.3 instead of 1.8V?



  • [FAQ] What are the differences between the TXS-Type Variants (E,V)?

    Part Number: TXS0104V
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXS0102, TXS0102V


    The biggest difference between the two variants is the ESD protection with TXS-Type offering IEC-ESD protection on the 4-ch/8-ch and higher ESD protection than the…

  • TXS0102V: vs TXS0102

    Part Number: TXS0102V
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXS0102


    What is the difference between the TXS0102V and the TXS0102?

  • LSF0102: Can I use a single R_pu and C pair connected to the EN pin for multiple translator devices

    Part Number: LSF0102
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LSF0002, TXS0102, LSF0204



    I have a severely space constrained PCB where I'm using multiple LSF0102 devices (currently 10 of them). All translators will always be ON. Saving 9x…

  • TXS0102: Regarding OE

    Part Number: TXS0102



    We are using TXS0102DQER in our design to level shift I2C. Please let us know whether OE is mandatory to be pulled down? The I2C bus is interfaced to an FPGA. Do we need to connect the OE to FPGA? we do not have…

  • TXS0102: with Vref A and B at same level 1.8V

    Part Number: TXS0102
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC2G66


    Dear forum

    I need to use a TXS0102 for I2C bus decoupling when that portion of the I2C bus is powered off.

    In my design both Vref A and B are at 1.8V and when the OE go…

  • TXS0102: unused IO pin

    Part Number: TXS0102



    How should the unused Input and Output pins (B2 and A2) of TXS0102 be handled?


  • TXS0102: EMI - EMC and Safety Test Certification

    Part Number: TXS0102


    We are proceeding with the certification for the product containing the IC TXS0102DQER.

    If EMI/EMC and Safety tests have been conducted on the unit or any other tests have been conducted, please send the corresponding…

  • TXB0102: Output Voltage Not driven to complete 0V

    Part Number: TXB0102
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXS0102, TXU0102,


    Hi Team,

    I am using the TXB010 in my design for reset signal level conversion between 1.5V and 3.3V. I have placed a 10kΩ pull-up resistor on both the input and output…

  • LSF0102: Logic levels VOH,VIH, VOL, VIL

    Part Number: LSF0102
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXS0104E, TXS0102


    Hi Team,

    For LSF0102, there are no Logic levels defined in datasheet as it is a passive switch.

    1. Should I consider 0V to 3.3V in that case if VrefA=VrefB=3.3V? 

  • TXS0102: Replace NLSX4373DR2G

    Part Number: TXS0102



    Could you help recommend the NLSX4373DR2G product package that can be replaced. It is SOIC-8.

    Package and Pin function must be the same product?


  • LSF0102: Leakage from Bn to An

    Part Number: LSF0102


    Hi team,

    My customer (Len~) want to know for LSF0102, if Bn port is ~0.7V @ LOW state, will this low voltage leaks to An port at low state?

    From the D/S it seems Bn is connected directly to An if any of them are…

  • TXS0102: Schematics Review

    Part Number: TXS0102



    I would like to  convert I2C signals logic levels 

    Case 1) From logic 3.3V to 2.5V & I2C signals from MCU.


    Case 2) From logic 1.8V to  2.5V & I2C signal from FPGA (Pull ups added near FPGA side) Via Board to Board…

  • TXS0102: I2C Fail

    Part Number: TXS0102
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TCA9517A


    Hi All

    I use TXS0102 as I2C level shift IC, But the I2C communication failed

    Because there is a pull high 10K inside the IC, I did not add another pull high circuit.

    The circuit…

  • TXS0102: TXS0102DCUR Issue

    Part Number: TXS0102



    Attached is the measured waveform.

    Green: VCCA (+1.8V)

    Blue: OE Pin

    Red: A1 Pin

  • TXB0106: Schematics review

    Part Number: TXB0106
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXS0102, TXU0304, TXU0104, TXU0204



    we would like to do 3.0V I2C and 3.6V I2C convert. can you help review my schematics below, if they looks ok ? thanks!

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