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Part Number: AM6421 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG
The AM64x processor family is able to support a total of 4 PRU_ICSSG Ethernet ports and 2 CPSW Ethernet ports. However, due to pinmux restrictions, only a maximum of 5 Ethernet…
I am using AM64x Linux SDK 10.0 (or potentially the latest AM64x Linux SDK 9.2.1). When I use the Linux remoteproc driver to shut down an R5F core, and boot it back up, my processor hangs.
An example terminal…
Part Number: AM6548
Hi TI experts,
On page 142 of the datasheet "AM654x, AM652x Sitara Processors Silicon Revision 2.1 datasheet (Rev. C)", Figure 6-4. Power-Up Sequencing using On Chip Power-on-reset (POR) has labels such as "Note…
Part Number: AM625
Hi TI Experts,
I have the below query regarding the data sheet
Pin attributes
Pin attributes
I have a number of IOs that are not used, is there a connection recommendation
Is there a recommendation for the supply rails…
Part Number: AM625 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM62D-Q1 , AM62P
Hi TI Experts,
I have the below query
Currently available data sheet revision
How do i verify i am using the latest revision
Is there a way i can receive a notification…
Part Number: SK-AM69 Tool/software: How to stream H.264 encoded streams from a RTSP compliant IP camera or via RTSP server running on remote PC using GStreamer?
Part Number: AM625 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SK-AM62-LP
AM62x boot ROM supports booting from parallel GPMC NAND. From " GPMC NAND Bootloader Operation" in AM62x TRM "GPMC NAND boot only supports boot from ONFI 1.0…