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Part Number: AM62A7 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM68A , AM69A , AM62A3 , , AM62A3-Q1 I'm using the Processor SDK Linux for AM6xA for Edge AI applications. I want to modify and rebuild TI's 2A algorithm and run it in the SDK. How can I do that?…
Part Number: TDA4VL Hello team,
I need a baremetal pdk based example just to see the profiling time for interrupts via toggling of GPIO pin .Can you please show us how ?
Part Number: AM625
Hi Expert,
In AM62 datasheet, I can find the power up sequence as below, but I can't find the specific delay time requirement. or there is no requirement as waveform B need delay with waveform A?
Part Number: SK-AM62A-LP Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG
How to test MCAN external loopback example on AM62x/AM62A using an external transceiver ?
Part Number: TDA4VH-Q1
TIDL SDK Version : 9.1
I have downloaded transformer model (deit) from Tis Tools repos : https://github.com/TexasInstruments/edgeai-tidl-tools/blob/master/docs/tidl_fsg_vtfr.md#deit-transformer-example
Facing issues while importing…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM69A , AM68A I compiled a model for a device (AM62A, AM68A, AM69A, etc.) with edgeai-tidl-tools and compilation did not throw any errors.
I want to evaluate my model on the EVM now, and I see edgeai-gst-apps is the initial…
Part Number: TDA4VL-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM68 , TDA4VM , TDA4VL , TDA4VH , AM69 TDA4VL, TDA4VM, TDA4VH, and their respective AM6x device counterparts of AM68, TDA4VM, and AM69 all have the ability to generate a downstream PCIe interrupt from…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SK-AM62B How do I boot an SK-AM62B or SK-AM62A using Ethernet and subsequently flash the required U-boot binaries and Kernel, DTB, and root filesystem to eMMC? The solution is divided into two sections: 1) This section describes…
Part Number: SK-AM68 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SK-AM69 , , AM67 , AM68A , AM69A , AM67A , AM69
How can I enable 4x IMX219 sensors using the mini fusion board from Arducam on SK-AM68, SK-AM69 and AM67? I am using SDK version of the edge AI…