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  • TLV62568: FB open case study

    Part Number: TLV62568


    please let me know below case.

    Material name:TLV62568PDRLR

    Schematic using below datasheet typical case.

    Vin=3.3V, EN=High, Iout=max1A, Inductor2.2uH

    Please let me know device behavior when FB was open ?

    my customer…

  • TLV62568: TLV62568 DCDC power-on glitch problem

    Part Number: TLV62568



    In the previous version of the customer, the FPGA core was powered by LDO. In order to reduce power consumption, the customer now wants to use DCDC: TLV62568 for power supply.
    Current problem: Using V1V1 to…

  • TLV62569: UVLO Discharge

    Part Number: TLV62569
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV62568,


    Does TLV62568/9 have UVLO discharge function or not?

  • TLV62568: Switching Frequency

    Part Number: TLV62568


    Hi expert,

    Customer used TLV62568 and the use condition is 4Vin to 3.3Vout.  However, we found out the measured Fsw is always 25% lower compare to DS fig13, even if they used the same condition.

    Would you please help…

  • TLV62568: Fast startup version of TLV62568

    Part Number: TLV62568


    Hi Expert,

    This is Shenzhen FAE Evan, my customer is seeking for a buck converter, the SPEC is similar to TLV62568, but they required startup time less than 0.7ms, they have 8m units volume per year, do we have any…

  • TLV62568: Ripple Issue

    Part Number: TLV62568
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV62569,


    Hi Team,

    My customer is using TLV62568 and TLV62569 in their new project. And they are testing the efficiency and ripple of the device under different loading. But I din't…

  • TLV62568: TLV62568

    Part Number: TLV62568



    Using TLV62568 pspice model written in your HP, I simulated a transient analysis in ADS.

    But the pspice model couldn't is imported and I failed to simulate.(I think the model is encrypted.)

    In case of using…

  • TLV62568: Switching frequency wider range with datasheet.

    Part Number: TLV62568


    Hi team,

    The switching frequency written in the specification is 1.5M, but the actual measurement is 3.16M. The SW pin is tested. Can you help me figure out the reason for the big difference?

  • TLV62568: Please give some suggestions for your help in reviewing the schematic design, thank you.

    Part Number: TLV62568

    Please give some suggestions for your help in reviewing the schematic design, thank you.

  • TPS562200: Need Support for RE test issue resolution

    Part Number: TPS562200
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV62568


    We need help here to solve RE testing failure issue.

    We are doing RE test in one of the project and we are facing RE failure issue since long time and we have tried multiple iterations…
  • TLV62568: Fix the switching frequency

    Part Number: TLV62568

    Hi Team,

    How to fix the switching frequency at 1.6MHz? Because it is too close to the GPS frequency of 1.575GHz

  • TPS563257: More detail on the PG pin needed

    Part Number: TPS563257
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV62568

    HI team,

    We plan to use TPS563257DRLR in our design but need to know more information on the PG pin which not mentioned in datasheet

    1. What is the rated sink current for the PG pin?


  • TLV62568: Package Structure - TLV62568DRLR

    Part Number: TLV62568

    Dear Sir,

    I would like to obtaion package structure document.

    Daisuke Inokuchi

  • TPS62A01: Questions of TPS62A01

    Part Number: TPS62A01
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV62568

    Dear Team,

    Does TPS62A01 is P2P with MP1601?

    if  not, do we have suitable P2P solution? 

    Many Thanks,


  • TPS62A02: Power management forum

    Part Number: TPS62A02
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV62569, TLV62568

    Dear Team,

    Does TPS62A02 is P2P with Mp1605?

    If not, do we have another solution? TLV62569?

    Many Thanks,


  • TLV62568: Questions of TLV62568

    Part Number: TLV62568
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV62569,

    Dear Team,

    Due to the requirements for inrush current and OCP, I need to replace TLV62568 with TLV62569.

    I want to confirm if, apart from the OCP current difference, everything else is the…

  • TLV62568: TLV62568 feedfoward capacitor recommendation

    Part Number: TLV62568
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV62569,

    Hi team,

    do we have a design range for feedforward capacitor C3 for TLV62568/ TLV62569 ?
    (5V or 3.3V input, 0.98V output; in design, R1 33k, R2 51k, L1 2.2uH, C2 22uF, C3’s current design…

  • TLV62568: TLV62568PDRLR leakage current

    Part Number: TLV62568

    Hi Team,

    1. When used TLV62568PDRLR to provide 3.3V power for WiFi, we found out the enable pin will keep 2V when SOC forced GPIO(W3.3EN) low, that would make 3.3V still alive for WiFi, do you have any idea? The Red circle. 




  • TLV62568: Issue with buck converter at low temperatures

    Part Number: TLV62568


    I am testing the TLV62568 buck converter and have encountered an issue with low temperatures. When the temperature drops below 0 degrees, the buck converter stops working. However, when I put my finger on the PCB (front or…

  • TLV62568: proper MCU EN pin connection

    Part Number: TLV62568
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62A01


    Would this be the correct connection to an MCU?

    I would like the regulator to be active only when VDISPON goes high.



  • LM2733YEVAL: and TLV62568PEVM-884 Gerber Files

    Part Number: LM2733YEVAL
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV62568PEVM-884, LM2733


    The user manual mentions that Gerber files are available for this Evaluation Modules (LM2733YEVAL and TLV62568PEVM-884).

    Unfortunately I could not find them.

    Where can…


    Part Number: TLV62568

    TLV62568APDRLRのLEAD FRAME FINISHについて教えて下さおい。

    Data sheetのpage16

    TLV62568APDRLRのLEAD FRAME FINISHに " CALL TI / SN " の記述があります。


    Material content searchで成分表をダウンロードしましたが、LEAD FRAME FINISHはSnでした。


  • Bode with Pspice for TI: DCDC loop simulation

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62065, TLV62568


          I have some problems in the loop simulation recently. How to complete the DCDC loop stability simulation,

          I use the AC scan on the PSPICE FOR TI, but the final waveform is strange. Can you provide…

  • TPS628501: MCP1612 Alternative

    Part Number: TPS628501
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62A01A, TPS62A01, TLV62568

    Hi team,

    Could you recommend a similar device with MCP1612? I choose TPS628501, I don't know if there are more suitable device, thanks.



  • TLV62568: SW output resonate

    Part Number: TLV62568


    I found my buck circuits based on TLV62568 have something wrong, that the SW output resonate, like below waveform capture. 

    Please comment the possible causes and solutions, thansk.

    My concern: I design the circuits based on peak…

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