Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TL082
what is the difference between OPA2134PA and the PAG4 model and are the 2 models interchangeable?
I'm looking for a substitute for TL082, used in a active crossover in a vintage audio device…
I obtained some OPA2134PA DIP op-amps from a friend to test. For my test circuit I am using:
+/- 13.5 volt supply, 100 nF and other bypass caps
Signal input 4.5 Vpp sinewave, 65 KHz, centered at 0V
Gain about 4 (RG/RF)
I have parts…
Hi Experts ,
Referring to the TI SIEP notification SOIC package need to be returned due to some process changes .
We have a stock of MPN : OPA2314UA/2K5 of DC 2240. Refer to below label where we need to understand whether these…
Hello TI Support Team,
Mouser Electronics received a request from a customer with two parts. As noted on attached images, one part received has one notch and the other has two notches.
Can you explain why one notch is present and the…
Dear TI Engineer,
We are using PCM1690 and applicate the DAC output LPF and differential to single end buffer from the datasheet page 35 (as below).
Taking the above as reference, and considering the OPAMP in our project circuit…
Anyone had experience on this part marking? what's the " 1" "2" or "A" on the first line stand for?
Does the "A" is for suffix UA for the part number?
thank you!
Hi Team,
Our customer noticed the thermal resistance of 150 deg C/W for the OPA2132 op-amp from this forum post is quite high compared to the derived thermal resistance for the OPA2134 (from…
Hi experts,
These were from Arrow.
During our inspection, we decapped a piece of OPA2314AIDGKR with DC:1915. The die did not show any markings that relates to a OPA2314 series.
Please check if this is a valid die.
Hi, thanks for your reply Hasan,
I am using CS5368
40 kHz bandwidth unweighted 108db ( measured from 10hz to 20khz )
Input Impedance (Differential) 250k
Full-scale Input Voltage @ maximum 1.24*VA Vpp = 6.2V
Dynamic Range A-weighted 114db
I'm not sure what…
Hi Christian,
Please let me know if there is a kind of official report like a PCN from Texas Instruments is available or downloadable?
I am unable to find PCN in OPA2604, and it is likely occurred prior to 2019, maybe as early as 2017/2018 based on the…
"In order to input 2Vrms, I think that Gain should be under 1 because Vcc is 5V."
This part won't work (well) with a single 5V supply. Choose an op-amp that will, such as OPA2365.