Texas Instruments (TI) Logic support forum is an extensive online knowledge base where millions of technical questions and solutions are available 24/7. You can search logic IC content or ask technical support questions on everything from voltage level translation and transceivers to standard logic gates and specialty logic devices. Find the right solution for your circuit design challenges by using our TI E2E™ support forums that are supported by thousands of contributing TI experts.
FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Logic Technology >> Current FAQ
Definition: A buffered CMOS device has output characteristics that only relies on the logical output of the gate.
In a NOR gate, different input values can result in the same…
FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Quality and Manufacturing >> Current FAQ
This is provided as information only, and is not a guarantee of device performance under the conditions described. This is not a Pin FMEA document, as Standard Logic devices…
FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Voltage Translators >> Current FAQ
The AXC family of Voltage Translators have built in dynamic pull-downs at the I/O. These pull-downs assist with with the glitch free power sequencing feature included in this…
FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Input Parameters >> Current FAQ
Short answer: External pull-up/down resistors are not recommended for devices with bus-hold circuitry.
A pull-up or pull-down resistor will create a voltage-divider…
FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Voltage Translators >> Current FAQ
TXS family translators utilize a FET-based architecture with an N-channel pass-gate transistor used to open and close the connection between the A-port and B-port. The FET…
Select this link to see answers to common questions, detailed use case implementations, and part recommendations for logic and voltage translation devices. .
Top Logic and Voltage…
FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Timing Parameters >> Current FAQ
Delays vary from device to device, however a general idea of delay can be shown graphically:
Two things to note from the above graphic
(1) Delay always increases as the supply…
FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Quality and Manufacturing >> Current FAQ
TI utilizes the Ultra Librarian software to provide symbols, footprints, and 3D models for our devices.
In the product folder for your selected device, scroll down and…
FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Quality and Manufacturing >> Current FAQ
1. Search for the desired device in the TI store .
2. Click on the device and select the Ordering & Quality link.
3. Select the Notify me when available link.
4. Select…