Texas Instruments (TI) Logic support forum is an extensive online knowledge base where millions of technical questions and solutions are available 24/7. You can search logic IC content or ask technical support questions on everything from voltage level translation and transceivers to standard logic gates and specialty logic devices. Find the right solution for your circuit design challenges by using our TI E2E™ support forums that are supported by thousands of contributing TI experts.
FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Input Parameters >> Current FAQ
This question comes up fairly often because the HCS logic family is specified only at 2V, 4.5V, and 6V.
The following min / max values are interpolated from the datasheet tables…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC1G08 , SN74LVC16244A FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Power and Thermals >> Current FAQ
For the short answer - use a 0.1uF for single supply logic devices like the SN74LVC1G08, or a 0.022uF capacitor for…
FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Output Parameters >> Current FAQ
Push-Pull Output
A push-pull output can source current in the high state or sink current in the low state. In modern CMOS devices, the most common configuration for a push-pull…
FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Input Parameters >> Current FAQ
The short answer is - a floating node is a voltage node that is not being forced to a known voltage, thus it has an unknown voltage.
Some additional details follow:
In circuit…
Quickly find solutions to common questions about voltage translation (level shifter) devices by clicking this link. This FAQ answers the most common questions asked about these devices …… ……… …
FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation > Output Parameters >> Current FAQ
This question is really about the output structure of the logic device.
There are primarily two types of open-drain output structures - one with a positive clamping diode, and…
Use Cases & Part Recommendations
Monostable Multivibrators
Voltage Translators
Input Parameters
Output Parameters
Power and Thermals
Timing Parameters
Logic Technology
Quality and Manufacturing
Simulation Models
[FAQ] Why does a logic…
Use Cases & Part Recommendations
Monostable Multivibrators
Voltage Translators
Input Parameters
Output Parameters
Power and Thermals
Timing Parameters
Logic Technology
Quality and Manufacturing
Simulation Models
[FAQ] An IBIS model returns…
Use Cases & Part Recommendations
Monostable Multivibrators
Voltage Translators
Input Parameters
Output Parameters
Power and Thermals
Timing Parameters
Logic Technology
Quality and Manufacturing
Simulation Models
[FAQ] What's the difference…
Use Cases & Part Recommendations
Monostable Multivibrators
Voltage Translators
Input Parameters
Output Parameters
Power and Thermals
Timing Parameters
Logic Technology
Quality and Manufacturing
Simulation Models
[FAQ] What is the typical…