Part Number: SN74AVC4T245


    The data sheet for SN74AVC4T245RSVR does not include a drawing of the package and land size for the RSV package.
    Could you please provide me with a drawing of the RSV package?

  • SN74AVC4T245: IBIS Model Accuracy Concerns with Respect to High/Low Drive Strength

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245


    Hello Folks,

    From the datasheet for the SN74AVC4T245, it would appear that the drive strength, high versus low, is symmetrical. The IBIS model, under a 1 meg-ohm test load, shows they are not the same. A x16 version…


    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245



    I am using SN74AVC4T245 Translation transceiver. can I use 1A1 and 1A2, B to A direction and 2A1, 2A2   A to B direction simultaneously. is it possible without effecting the dataflow?


    P Prasanth

  • SN74AVC4T245: Requisition for Junction to Case (bottom) thermal resistance, Max Allowed junction temperature and Case Temp (°C) Max of SN74AVC4T245RSVR

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245


    Hi Ti Team,


    We like to know the Junction to Case (bottom) thermal resistance, Max Allowed junction temperature and Case Temp (°C) Max of SN74AVC4T245RSVR

  • SN74AVC4T245: Vol issue

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245


    Hi experts,

    Customer used SN74AVC4T245 and have an issue that the Vol is not low enough at 3.3V side in below system block.

    Wondering is there any internal pullups in the chip? or do you have any idea what might…

  • SN74AVC4T774-Q1: No signal output from the level shifter

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T774-Q1
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AVC4T245, SN74AVC4T245-Q1


    We are using 74AVC4T774QPWRQ1(SN74AVC4T774-Q1 TSSOP Packeage) in our evaluation board.

    There is no signal coming from the level shifter. I'd like…

  • SN74AVC4T245: PORT-A/B

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXU0204


    According to the following schematic from the SN74AVC4T245 datasheet, is there any problem if I change the power supply VCCB to 1.8V and VCCA to 3.3? Respecting that the…

  • SN74AVC4T245: Level Translator to translate LVDS signals

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245


    Hi Team,

    I want to convert LVDS signals operating at 1.8V (from Xilinx ZU9EG MPSoC) to LVDS 3.3V operating voltage.

    Is there any way to convert this?


    P. Sam Durai.

  • SN74AVC4T245: LVCMOS to LVTTL Conversion

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXU0304, TXU0104, TXU0204


    Hi Team,

    I want to convert a 1.8V LVCMOS signal to a 3.3V LVTTL signal. I want to change the voltage level as well as the logic. To do this, I am planning…

  • SN74AVC4T245: Improve reliability by add resistance on control pin

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74S04, SN7404



    I saw a statement on the document SDYA009C (Designing With Logic, a TI's document): 

    " the inputs of these devices must be connected to the supply voltage…

  • SN74AVC4T245: VCCA Clarification

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245



    I have a customer who is using the 74AVC4T245 device and had a clarification question about a line in the data sheet. When it says "I/Os Are 4.6-V Tolerant”, is this true even when Vcca is 0V? 

  • SN74AVC4T245: SN74AVC4T245RSVR with 1.2V

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AXC4T245


    Dear Technical Support Team,

    Dose SN74AVC4T245RSVR have margin for VCCA =1.2V?

    It seems that it's operating with 1.2V⇔3.3V level shift on the board.


  • SN74AVC4T245: SN74AVC4T245RSVR

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AXC4T245



      SN74AVC4T245RSVR RECOMMENDED vcc min supply voltage is 1.2V。

    However, there is no mention of the allowable range of 1.2V power supply, such as ripple noise range…

  • SN74AVC4T245: VccA/B min only to 1.2V. Any to 0.8V part number?

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AXC4T245

    TI has alternate part for Nexperia  74AVC4T245BQ ?

    Because competitor 74AVC4T245BQ  VccA/B can support to 0.8V. Could TI recommend similar specification part number? 



  • SN74AVC4T245: OE threshould

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245

    Hi team,

    I undertand OE is referenced to Vcca and it has tolerance to 3.6V even Vcca is 1.8V. By the way, what is the threshold voltage of high and low?

    Best regards


  • SN74AVC4T245: SN74AVC4T245RSVR

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245


    Another board provided a 66.67MHz 1.8V LVCMOS clock through cables. Now I need to convert to 3.3V LVCMOS for CPLD as the system clock. Is SN74AVC4T245RSVR OK?

  • SN74AVC4T245-Q1: when input pin(pin 2B2) is floating, the output pin (pin 2A2) is always high.

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245-Q1
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AVC4T245

    Dear TI support team,

    Our SN74AVC4T245-Q1 schematic is as follows,

    On one board, after I remove R3 and R6( that means the input pin and out pin are floating), the voltage of pin…

  • SN74AVC4T245: SN74AVC4T245RSVR Bus Hold Function

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AXCH4T245, SN74AVCH4T245


    I want to check with you if SN74AVC4T245RSVR supports BUS Hold function? Thanks!



  • SN74AVC2T244: ABS MAX current rating / Vabs max on input

    Part Number: SN74AVC2T244
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AVC4T245, , SN74LVC8T245

    We have a circuit with measurements of ~ -0.84V on an input of the subject device for  ~5-10nsec at a repetition rate of 200khz.

    1. Do we have any guidance on the reliability…

  • SN74AVC4T245: D/S Description Question

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AVC2T245


    I'm confused about SN74AVC2T245 datasheet as below, can you help me with it? Thanks!

    What's Vtp? Why we should have Vtp considered when calculating Tplz and Tphz?

  • SN74AVC4T245: Isolation question

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245

    Hi team,

    My customer want to use our SN74AVC4T245RGYR.

    And the typical circuit is as below:

    Customer have five questions:

    1、If they connect 1OE2OE1DIR to 1.2V, 2OE to GND, and choose SN74AVC4T245RGYR 1A data to 1B data,2B data…

  • SN74AVC4T245:SN74AVC4T245の電源シーケンスについて

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AXC4T245


  • SN74AVC4T245: Thermal Junction Temperature of SN74AVC4T245RGYR

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245

    Hello Team,

    Can you please confirm the max operating thermal junction temperature of SN74AVC4T245RGYR?


  • SN74AVC4T245: Output type and internal pull up

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245

    Hi team,

    When enabled, the output type of SN74AVC4T245 is push pull? 

    Is there internal pull-up resistors for A1, A2, B1, B2? 

  • SN74AVC4T245: SN74AVC4T245DGVR drop in required

    Part Number: SN74AVC4T245
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AXC4T245


    For one of our current design ;which is in production, we are using SN74AVC4T245DGVR which is out of stock (Qty required: 2.3K). 

    Hence, we identified the alternate as  "SN74AV…

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