• SN74LVC244A: the input allowable voltage for overshoot/undershoot.

    Part Number: SN74LVC244A


    Dear TI experts,

    General-purpose logic ICs
    Are there any documents on input voltage relaxation conditions?

    I would like to know the input allowable voltage for overshoot/undershoot…

  • SN74LVTH244A: SN74LVTH244ADWR Input/Output Driving

    Part Number: SN74LVTH244A
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC244A


    Hi TI team,

    We have an application that a pull-up high 3V3 with 10k at input side of SN74LVTH244ADWR as below diagram. 

    But we found the voltage level of input side is…

  • TXS0108E: IO level compatibility

    Part Number: TXS0108E
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LSF0102, SN74LVC244A


    Hi Team,

    There is GPIO, SPI and UART Interface between IC1 and CPU.


    Following are the IC1 IO Levels (Type I and II).

    VOHmin=3V, VOHmax=3.3V

    VOL max=0.4V


  • SN74LVC244A: Is it safe to leave SN74LVC244A inputs tristated during output enable deassertion?

    Part Number: SN74LVC244A
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVCH244A, SN74LVC541A


    Requesting a response to my query.

    I'm using a SN74LVC244A octal buffer on a daughter board connected to a unidirectional parallel data…

  • SN74LVC244A: Delay Variation Issue

    Part Number: SN74LVC244A



    I am experiencing an unexpected delay variation issue with the SN74LVC244A IC and would appreciate your support in diagnosing the potential causes.

    Issue Description:

    I am using the SN74LVC244A in two identical…

  • SN74LVC244A: External pull up/down resistor

    Part Number: SN74LVC244A


    Hello team,

    Does this device require pull up/down resistor for each in/out?
    If so, what is the recommended value?

    Best Regards,
    Kei Kuwahara

  • SN74LVC244A: What is the state of INPUT (A) when OE pull high?

    Part Number: SN74LVC244A


    Hi Sirs

    When OE pull high, the impedance of output (Y side) is high, how about the input side?

    We want to know in this condition, impedance of A side is high impedance or low impedance, or floating?  

    Thank you

  • SN74ALVC244: Maximum output voltage without Vcc

    Part Number: SN74ALVC244
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AUC244, SN74LV244A, SN74LVC244A, SN74LVC541A



    I'm using the buffer SN74ALVC244 to drive some other IC input pins on an existing PCB.

    The IC is already active before the…

  • SN74LVC244A: SN74LVC244ARGY Thermal Pad Connection

    Part Number: SN74LVC244A



    Should I connect GND to the Thermal Pad of SN74LVC244ARGY?
    This is not mentioned in the datasheet, so please let me know.

  • TXU0304: TXU0304

    Part Number: TXU0304
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC125A, SN74LVC244A


    I need to use SPI master/slave configuration, have one STM32 as master uC as SPI master & 6 STM32 are slaves, i was trying on one prototype which involved external wiring…

  • SN74LVC244A: About VCC of SN74LVC244A

    Part Number: SN74LVC244A

    Hi TI Team.

    Is there any problem if voltage is applied to Vin (A side) before voltage is applied to VCC in this IC?

    Best regards.

  • SN74LVC244A: enhance driving output capability in SN74LVC244APWR IBIS model

    Part Number: SN74LVC244A

    Hello expert,

    Are we able to enhance output driving capability in SN74LVC244APWR IBIS model? Based on datasheet, output driving capability is related to VCC. Could we adjust VCC in IBIS model? If no, do we have other method to…

  • SN74LVC244A: SN74LVC244A

    Part Number: SN74LVC244A
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC16244A, SN74LVC245A, SN74AHCT244, TXU0204, TXU0102, TXU0101, TXU0304, TXU0104, TXU0202,


    Please see below queries and request you to suggest

    Query1: Regarding 8 Bit Buffer IC SN74LVC244ARGYR…

  • SN74LVC244A: for high speed(50MHz) application

    Part Number: SN74LVC244A
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXV0108-Q1


    RnD currently used SN74LVC244A for the signal 50MHz. The output signal is distortion. 

    Is there solution for high speed (tpd < 5.9ns)?

    Thanks and Best regards,

  • SN74LVC244A: SN74LVC244ARWPR Thermal Pad connection

    Part Number: SN74LVC244A


    I didn't find information about the connection of thermal pad (21). 

    Is the pad isolated from GND ?


    Package X1QFN (RWP)



    Part Number: SN74LVC244A

    Hello E2ETeams

    Ask a question.

    Do you use barrier metal for your SN74LVC244APWR?

  • SN74LVC244A: output jitter characteristics of SN74LVC244A

    Part Number: SN74LVC244A

    Hi team,

    I would like to use SN74LVC244A to divide the output of one oscillator into four outputs as shown below.

    In this condition, do you have any information about the output jitter characteristics of SN74LVC244A?

    If there…

  • SN74LVC541A: Seeking Recommendation for a Buffer IC Shorter than SN74LVC541's VQFN

    Part Number: SN74LVC541A
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC244A

    Hi Team,

    Do we have recommendations for a Buffer IC that is shorter in height than the SN74LVC541's VQFN (H=1.0mm) package?

    Best regards,

  • SN74LVC244A: dis/step at rising edge

    Part Number: SN74LVC244A


    Will this dip/step at the edge be concern? I think the time is short and should not cause an additional pulse and influence the following device. 

    Could you help confirm?

  • SN74LVC244A: SN74LVC244ARWPR Ibis Model

    Part Number: SN74LVC244A

    I got the Ibis model for SN74LVC244A, but in that package I couldn't see SN74LVC244ARWPR (Which is having X1QFN Package)

  • SN74LVC244A: Part Differences

    Part Number: SN74LVC244A


    What is the difference between SN74LVCH244APWR and SN74LVC244APWR? I only see an additional package of the SN74LVC244APWR, but don't see differences otherwise. Could you please share any other differences?

    Thank you,

  • SN74LVC244A: Maximum supported data rate

    Part Number: SN74LVC244A

    Hello team,

    • What is the maximum supported data rate for SN74LVC244A?
    • What would be the min and max of tw?

                  (I see tw on datasheet, but doesn't specify any numbers.)

    Best Regards,

    Kei Kuwahara

  • SN74LVC244A: high output direct connect to GND

    Part Number: SN74LVC244A

    Hello TI Experts,

     We have a faulty design (which have already been mass shipped out in field ….), we want to evaluate the risk of the design and consider next step


    1.  SN74LVC244APWR

    1. 3.3V power supply
    2. Two not…
  • SN74LVC1G123: Short pulse duration

    Part Number: SN74LVC1G123
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC244A

    I want to generate a pulse that always falls between 20ns and 50ns over the entire temperature range of an industrial device.  Is 20ns a feasible lower bound for this device?  I have…

  • SN74AHCT244: Logic forum

    Part Number: SN74AHCT244
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC244A,

    Hi Team,

    When I look the Vo spec in the datasheet of SN74AHCT244 & SN74LVC244A, I found something different. In the DS of SN74LVC244A, the Vo max has different description in power…

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