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  • XTR106: Iret pins tied together if Loop - pins are isolated?

    Part Number: XTR106
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: XTR116

    I have a case where I have two full bridge sensors, and the EXC- legs are tied together. The voltage outputs of the 4-20mA readouts are commonly isolated for UL safety reasons, so the negative…

  • [FAQ] What types of applications or end equipment are 4-20mA transmitters used in?

    In what applications are 4-20mA transmitters used? What types of end equipment are 4-20mA transmitters a part of? 

  • [FAQ] How do I choose a 4-20mA transmitter?

    How do I choose a 4-20mA transmitter? What is the difference between a 2, 3, or 4-wire transmitter and when should I use each?

  • [FAQ] What is a 4-wire 4-20mA current transmitter?

    What is a 4-wire 4-20mA current transmitter?

  • [FAQ] What is a 3-wire 4-20mA current transmitter?

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: XTR110, XTR111, XTR305, XTR300, DAC8760, DAC8775, DAC8750, DAC7750, DAC8771, DAC7760

    What is a 3-wire 4-20mA current transmitter? How do I use one?

  • [FAQ] What is a 2-wire 4-20mA current transmitter?

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: XTR117, XTR106, XTR101, XTR112, XTR108, XTR116, XTR115, XTR105, DAC161P997, DAC161S997

    What is a 2-wire 4-20mA current transmitter? How do I use one?

  • [FAQ] What is a 4-20mA current transmitter?

    What is a 4-20mA current transmitter? 

  • [FAQ] Can I use multiple XTR devices if I have multiple DAC outputs or multiple sensors that share a supply and ground?

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO7340C, ISO7310C

    I have multiple sensors going into a DAC with multiple output channels. Can I use multiple XTR devices to transmit the 4-20mA current signals for each sensor?

  • [FAQ] Are there reference designs that can help me build a 4-20mA transmitter?

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: XTR105, XTR112, XTR116, XTR117, XTR111, XTR300, XTR305, DAC8771, DAC8775, DAC8760

    Are there reference designs that can help me build a 4-20mA transmitter? Where can I find them?

    How do I incorporate IEC protection into…

  • [FAQ] The minimum output current of my 2-wire 4-20mA transmitter is greater than 4mA.

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: XTR116

    The minimum output current of my 2-wire 4-20mA transmitter is greater than 4mA.

    Why is that? How can I lower it?

  • [FAQ] Can I use a 2-wire 4-20mA transmitter with a sensor or microcontroller that uses its own supply?

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ISO7340C, ISO7310C

    2-wire 4-20mA transmitters are loop powered, and the sensor and its associated circuitry are supplied by the transmitter. Is it possible to use a sensor or microcontroller that uses a separate supply…

  • How can i reduce current to less than 4mA

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F4152, OPA317, OPA330, XTR117

    My MCU is MSP430F4152   current consumption 0.5mA   use  PWM  to  Iin   RC to Iin use 12K resistance ,But i test IO pin current is 4.12mA  i change PWM  duty cycle but 4.12 is minimum, i do…

  • 2-Wire 4-20mA Sensor Transmitters: Sensor and Transmitter Current Consumption Limitations (Part 3)

    Part 2 of this blog series derived the basic transfer function for a typical 2-wire transmitter, commonly used in industrial control and automation, and explained the currents flowing inside it. It also explained that connecting the transmitter return…

  • Designing 4 to 20mA transmitter for thermocouple using xtr112

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: XTR112, XTR101

    Hi, have some experance by designing thermocouple using the xtr112? 

    recently I am confused by the CJC(cold junction compensation), according to the datasheet I should use a diode(LL4148), a 1k Ohm and a 25…

  • XTR117 model using general components.

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: XTR117, REF02, TINA-TI, OPA364

    Hello. Can you please suggest me component values and suitable opamp models to simulate the XTR117 4-20mA current loop transmitter. Here is the figure attached from datasheet. Please guide…

  • XTR117 wiring queries

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: XTR117, LM35, OPA317, TINA-TI, OPA344, OPA340, LMC6081, OPA347

    I am trying to wire LM35 output to XTR117. What I am trying to do is to generate 4-20mA current. 4mA for minimum 25 Degree C and 20mA for 80 Degree C of temperature…

  • long distance 4-20 mA has issue

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: XTR111, XTR117, XTR115

    I have a device that has 4-20mA output, referenced to circuit ground, which I used XTR111 to realize the transmitter. This device works without problem in most situations. But I got reports that in…

  • 2-wire 4-20mA sensor transmitters: Increasing Sensor Power with Switching Power Supplies (Part 6)

    In part 5 of this blog series, I discussed the construction of an input-isolated 2-wire sensor transmitter. Input-isolated 2-wire transmitters require isolating the sensor power and data signals from the 2-wire loop supply and 2-wire loop return (RTN…

  • 2-wire 4-20mA sensor transmitters: Designing Input Isolated 2-Wire Sensor Transmitters (Part 5)

    Part 4 of this series discussed the issues and requirements involved in the design of a 2-wire sensor transmitter that accepts inputs from an externally powered sensor/source. In this installment, I’ll expand on the concepts presented in that post and…

  • 2-wire 4-20mA transmitters: Controlling 2-Wire Transmitter Outputs with Externally Powered Sources (Part 4)

    The previous three parts of this blog series focused on 2-wire 4-20mA sensor transmitter designs composed completely of analog components. While analog signal conditioning is practical for linear sensors, many sensors have nonlinear outputs that can only…

  • 2-Wire 4-20 mA Sensor Transmitters: Understanding the 2-wire Transmitter GND (Part 2)

    Part 1 of this blog series provided an overview of the operation and uses of 2-wire 4-20 mA field sensor transmitters and provided a basic example system. The post also introduced the current transmitter compliance voltage, which when violated prevents…

  • 2-Wire 4-20 mA Sensor Transmitters: Background and Compliance Voltage (Part 1)

    Part 1:

    2-wire 4-20 mA sensor transmitters are very common in industrial control and automation. They are popular because they allow a remote process to be monitored with only two analog signal wires. The two wires carry both the power for the sensor…

  • Current Limiting in 4-20mA loop

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: XTR108, XTR117, XTR115, LM324, XTR116


    I am using a two wire 4-20mA current loop. Now I want to limit the input current to 2mA forcefully if any fault occurs in the system so that I could check if my supervisory…

  • PGA309EVM questions

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PGA309



    i have one question about pga309 to set up PGA309 EVM software  to generate 0.5-4.5V voltage with real sensor?

  • PGA309EVM

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PGA309

    Hello, ti, I recently in the use of PGA309EVM, but encountered a lot of problems.

    Specific as follows:

    1. After Register set, voltage output is not correct. How to set the register specificly?datasheet not clear…

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