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  • AM2434: pins esd protection and maximum allowed voltages.

    Part Number: AM2434


    I'm trying to find answers to the following questions about all signal ( digital and analog ) pins and could not find that specific information in the datasheet.

    • Does every pin have a diode to it's respective power…
  • LP-AM243: Uniflash-Flashing SDK example

    Part Number: LP-AM243
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH, AM2434



    I am using uniflash 8.8.1 version and I want to flash i2c led MCU+ example.

    My boot mode is in "QSPI BOOT MODE" configuration. 

    In Step1 I choose debug…

  • AM2434: sigma-delta (sdfm) clock inversion

    Part Number: AM2434
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG


    Hi experts,

    for the SDFM sysconfig configuration there is the possibilty to invert the clock by setting the Enable ChannelX Clock Inversion.

    Could you please clarify wheather…

  • AM2434: Enable encryption on hf_fs file from CCS

  • AM2434: AM243x

    Part Number: AM2434
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH


    Hi there,

    we will have own prototype board using the flashless AM243x chip. The OSPI flash will come with empty content. We don't have custom bootloader yet and are not planning…

  • AM2434: Can't load Flash .json in sysconfig

    Part Number: AM2434
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG


    AM2434 ALV Package

    SysConfig 1.21.2+3837


    I'm trying to add a QSPI flash device, but there is no option to change the OSPI driver from 8 to…

  • AM2434: R5F Shared function in SRAM

    Part Number: AM2434



    we are using the AM2434 chip. To save memory, we have three R5F cores running the same function. We hope to build only one instance of the function and have all three cores call it together.

    The setup is as follows…

  • AM2434: HS_FS image generation

    Part Number: AM2434



    I'm using CCS 20.0.2.  I am able to generate app image. But unable to generate the HS_FS file in AM2434 LP. Is there any settings or methods to generate the hs_fs file?

  • AM2434: Questions about pcie drivers in sdk: mcu_plus_sdk_am243x_10_00_00_20

    Part Number: AM2434


    Hi, ti engineers,
    Source: In all pcie demo, for example, mcu_plus_sdk_am243x_10_00_00_20\examples\drivers\pcie\pcie_buf_transfer\pcie_buf_transfer_ep.

    Question 1. The pcie hardware port Settings (pins) are not found. Not found in any demo…

  • AM2434: OSPI READ COMMAND first bit half-level question.

    Part Number: AM2434
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG


    Hi expert,

           (AM2434 + S28HL512T) 

    Flash datasheet:…

  • AM2434: AM2434

    Part Number: AM2434
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG


    Hi everyone,

    I’m trying to determine whether a DDR4 SDRAM device can be connected to the AM2434LVX. I noticed that SysConfig 1.22 doesn’t provide this option. Could you clarify…

  • AM2434: AM2434

    Part Number: AM2434


    Dear all

    I am exploring options to connect three external 1GB Ethernet networks. My goal is to use one network at a time, while the other two remain connected to an Ethernet switch.

    Could you please advise if this setup…

  • AM2434: CPSW/LWIP with DP83826

    Part Number: AM2434
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG


    AM2434 ALV Package

    SysConfig 1.21.2+3837


    I'm trying to setup a sysconfig file for a custom board.

    I want to use LWIP/CPSW with a DP83826…

  • AM2434: AM243x-LP

    Part Number: AM2434
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP-AM243


    Subject: motor control sdk

    Hi there, 

    in previous post I know how sync0 and sync1 signals are exposed on some pins on LP-AM243 board. I have more questions.
    Can one also…

  • AM2434: Test tool on Ethercat, Profinet, Ethernet IP

    Part Number: AM2434


    Hi Ti, 

    I am currently working with AM2434 controller for industrial protocol application development such as Ethernet IP, Ethercat, Profinet. 

    I need to know whether TI can suggest me tools that are available to test…

  • AM2434: Discrepancy between datasheet and Sysconfig

    Part Number: AM2434
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG


    AM2434 Datasheet downloaded from today says that on the ALX package, ball F5 is PRG0_PRU1_GPO6

    In SysConfig (the one shipped inside CCS PRG0_PRU1_GPO6…

  • AM2434: AM243x

    Part Number: AM2434


    Hi there,

    I am measuring sync0 and sync1 signals on J73 and J7.5 on AM243-LP board. 
    Sync0 cycle time appears to be 250 us on oscilloscope - this matches my expectation. 
    Sync1 cycle time appears to be 2 times the cycle…

  • AM2434: ECC example

    Part Number: AM2434



    I'm looking at the example ecc_example_am243x-evm_r5fss0-0_nortos_ti-arm-clang

    Specifically this code:


  • AM2434: AM243x-LP

    Part Number: AM2434


    Hi there, 

    regarding AM243, I wish to know where is _c_int00 defined. I wish to set certain pattern to stack and heap during boot.

    Best regards,

  • AM2434: Tiny-USB crash in Release build in ind_comms_sdk_am243x_09_02_00_15

    Part Number: AM2434



    I am using the Tiny-USB driver from ind_comms_sdk_am243x_09_02_00_15 in my FreeRTOS project (based on the SDK example with three tasks) .

    When I run in Release mode, I get the following message on CCS (after sending…

  • AM2434: Max Boot up time & Max Injection current into An GPIO pin

    Part Number: AM2434


    Hi Team,

    I am not able to find the below details from the datasheet.

    1) max boot up time for the SOC from UART and OSPI mode separately ? We need this value to configure the Boot mode pins to configure for the PWM…

  • AM2434: AM243x-LP

    Part Number: AM2434


    Hi there,

    what is the unit of the argument in OSAL_SCHED_sleep()?
    Any possibility to get the implementation code of this function?

    Best regards,


  • AM2434: FPU exceptions not triggered

    Part Number: AM2434


    I have attempted enabling FPU traps using this code:

    vmrs r0, fpscr
    movw r1, #0x9F00
    movt r1, #0x03C0
    bic r0, r0, r1
    movw r1, #0x0700
    movt r1, #0x0100
    orr r0, r0, r1
    vmsr fpscr, r0

    However, the value of FPSCR does not change…

  • [FAQ] AM6442, AM6441, AM6422, AM6421, AM6412, AM6411 Custom board hardware design – Collaterals to Get started

    Part Number: AM6442
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65220, TPS65219, , AM6411, AM6422, AM6412, AM6421, AM6441

    Hi TI Experts,

    Can you provide a List of collaterals that can be referred when starting a custom board hardware design.

  • AM2434: IPC Notify instead of SGI

    Part Number: AM2434


    Hi Team,

    Is there no software interrupt for the AM2434?  I checked the interrupt map in the TRM for the R5F0-0 core but could not find. 

    Can IPC Notify be used similarly to a software interrupt?

    Best regards,


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