• LMX2572EVM: lmx2572evm

    Part Number: LMX2572EVM
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2572, LMX2594EVM



    i would kike to use the part lmx2572 in my design . so required pcb design files of lmx2572evm to speed up the  design.

  • LMX2572: LMX2572 v LMX2572LP @10MHz phase noise numbers

    Part Number: LMX2572
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: , LMX2594



    We currently use ADF4356 at 700-800  MHz (sample rate clock) , and considering moving to the LMX2572.

    We already use LMX2572LP.  These two parts - std and LP version are of…

  • LMX2572LPEVM: On-board crystal oscillator not working

    Part Number: LMX2572LPEVM
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2572


    Hi all,

    We are trying to use the TI LMK60E2-100M00SIAT to provide 100MHz reference clock for our EVM board. We soldered the IC on to the board by following the connections…

  • LMX2572: SPI programming without OSC (clk in) signal

    Part Number: LMX2572



    Do I need to have a clk input signal (OSC) to do register programming (write/read)? Or is it independent?

    Best regards,


  • TICSPRO-SW: TICS Pro Not Launching GUI After "Starting GUI..." Message

    Part Number: TICSPRO-SW
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK3H0102, LMX2572


    Hello everyone,

    I recently installed the TICS Pro software from Texas Instruments on my system. When I attempt to run the program, it displays the message "Starting…

  • LMX2572: Configure LMX2572 registers in a single go

    Part Number: LMX2572


    Hi all, i am want to configure my LMX2572 chip through SPI. I want to configure all register in one go. currently i am doing cs low and then write the register and then data and then cs high. Now i want to do it like…

  • LMX2572: Cannot sync RF outputs with SYNC line

    Part Number: LMX2572LP

    Tool/software: TI TICS PRO

    I have 2 boards each with a LMX2572LP. Both are supplied with an identical 10Mhz input clock, and both are connected to one TI Reference Pro board, and both are programmed to output 200Mhz. Both…

  • LMX2571: Synchronizing multiple devices

    Part Number: LMX2571
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2594, LMX2572


    Hello, I was wondering if there is a method to synchronize multiple LMX2571 devices across different boards if they are all clocked with the same Reference Oscillator…

  • LMX2572LP: LDO_DLY setting

    Part Number: LMX2572LP
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2595, LMX2572, LMX2594



    I am looking to find the setting for LDO_DLY in register (R6) as per the datasheet for LMX2572LP.
    There is a table 141 which has settings 1/2/3/5/8…

  • LMX2595: Details of MUXOUT PIN.

    Part Number: LMX2595
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2492, LMX2572


    What are the outputs can take from MUXOUT pin? How to check ramp status for fmcw using MUXOUT pin? Is there any provision in LMX2595 to check ramp status such as ramp…

  • LMK04610: Clock & timing forum

    Part Number: LMK04610
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK04828, , LMK04832, LMX2572, LMK1D2104


    The answer record on the LMK04828: LMK04828 vs LMK04610 post states that the LMK04610, "skew across outputs can be around 100s of ps across…

  • LMX2594: Noisy output signal across frequency range of device

    Part Number: LMX2594
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2572EVM, , LMX2572


    For a design I am currently debugging the LMX2594 and throughout the entire frequency range of the device the output signal is very noisy and not clean. Previously…

  • LMX2572: Lock time is over 500us after reloading serial data without changing frequency

    Part Number: LMX2572


    Signals below in descending order are: Lock detect, SCK, SDI, and LE.  The is from a reload at the same frequency of 21 registers. Lock detect is unlocked for over 500us.  Is this the VCO recalibration time?

  • LMX2572: LMX2572 locked at low temperature okay. However reloading the registers with the same data at low temperature may cause and unlock condition.

    Part Number: LMX2572


    LMX2572 running okay at low temperature of about 0deg C and locked.  If I reload the registers at this lower temperature, the LMX2572 may not always lock.  When taken back up to normal temperature then reloading registers…

  • LMX2572EVM: In manual ramping, limitation of output freqyency.

    Part Number: LMX2572EVM
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2572,



    We would like to use the manual ramping mode of the LMX2572.

    For example, we would like to do a ramp between 2.86 and 2.88GHz using LMX2572EVM board and the TICS-Pro…

  • LMX2485: LMX2485

    Part Number: LMX2485
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2582, LMX2572


    Hello there!

    I am working on a project that requires the use of VCOs.

    We need VCOs that operate at the following frequencies:

    • 900 MHz to 1000 MHz
    • 1800 MHz to 1990…
  • LMX2572: VCO okay Channel dividers fail.

    Part Number: LMX2572


    The VCO output is ok with good phase noise and output power over the full range of 3.2GHz to 6.4GHz.  But the channel divider outputs have very bad spectrum and power as if the dividers are not being driven hard enough…

  • LMX2572: Direct VCO output OK but divided output spectrum very poor and broad

    Part Number: LMX2572
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2594, LMX2595


    The synthesizer chip behaves normally with good spectrum and phase noise but when using the divider the spectrum is very poor and broad.   However, when I use a foam tipped…

  • LMK05318: can lmk05318 support FM and 4FSK modulation

    Part Number: LMK05318
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2571, , , CD74HC4046A, LMX2572


    Hi Team,

    Customer is adopting LMX2571 as their current solution for DMR walkie talkie.

    They're also surveying new solution for next gen, as the title…

  • LMK04828: Loop filter in Single-Loop Mode

    Part Number: LMK04828
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK04832, LMX2572


    Hi TI team.

    I'm considering using LMK04828 in Single-Loop Mode.

    I'm using PLLATINUMSIM to evaluate the loop filter, and I have two questions:

    1. How can…

  • LMX2594EVM: spurious

    Part Number: LMX2594EVM
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2594, LMX2572, LMX2582


    Could you please give me some advias?
    I have checked Fpd and Fout in Figure 1 (Figure 2) with LMX2594.
    As a result, we confirmed the waveforms in Figure 3…

  • LMX2594: multi-device SYNC

    Part Number: LMX2594
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK04832, LMX2572


    There are 2 or 3 LMX2594 on the board. Their OSCin (100MHz) and SYNC (2.5MHz) are all from LMK04832, which are well aligned (LKM04832 are synchronized).  

    I like to…

  • LMX2820: LMX2802 - Improve lock time

    Part Number: LMX2820
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2572



    I'm using the LMX2820 with instant calibration.

    The Fosc is 30MHz

    I'm using bias capacitor of 0.47uF, so INSTCAL_DLY = 2.5 x 30 = 75

    For the first 5650MHz calibration…

  • LMX2572: LMX2572 based LO module

    Part Number: LMX2572


    I'm looking for a simple way to implement an LMX2572 chip into my design without spending a month writing software and tweaking my PCB for VSWR.

  • LMX2572LP: LMX2572LP multi chip sync fail

    Part Number: LMX2572LP
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK00304, LMX2572




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