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Part Number: AM3358
AM335x GPMC-NAND boot issue was observed with AM335x Linux SDK 9.1 [1]. The FAQ lists the u-boot and kernel patches to support flashing and booting u-boot/kernel/root_fs with AM335x Linux SDK 9.1 from GPMC-NAND on AM335x…
Part Number: AM6442
In AM64X/AM243/AM62X there are many Resets.
So, what is the difference between each type of Reset?
What is the boot flow for each Reset ?
What are the Registers/Peripherals affected for each Reset ?
How different Resets…
Part Number: J784S4XEVM Tool/software: UFS is present on the J784S4EVM. How can one use it instead of eMMC to host rootfs and use that to boot to Linux command prompt.
Part Number: AM6442 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMDS64EVM
AM64x boot ROM supports booting from parallel GPMC NAND. From "4.4.10 GPMC NAND Boot" in AM64x TRM "AM64x ROM only supports boot from ONFI 1.0 compatible 8 bit parallel…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG The DDR Controller and PHY in Sitara processors is a flexible interface which can be used with LPDDR4 or DDR4. There are many settings available to fine-tune the signal timing on this interface. These settings…
Hi Team,
I want to use two AM64x board for PCie communication.
One EVM acts as root complex and other EVM acts as a Endpoint. I am using PE-FLEXI-G2-MMCX-12-TII.
I want to verify memory read , memory write…
Part Number: AM620-Q1
In one of our projects, we are using AM620-Q1_FCBGA441 where there is a necessity of DDR4 interface.
We need help from Texas side for the following details for signal integrity simulation:
1. on-die package decoupling…
Part Number: AM6421 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG , AM6442 , , AM6422 , TMDS64EVM , SK-AM64B
I found some issues when debugging MCSPI – FRAM. Please help give solutions to resolve these issues, thanks.
Currently below…
Part Number: AM62A7 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM62P , AM69A , AM68A , AM67 , , AM625 , AM623
What are the most common problems encountered when developing camera applications on the AM6x (AM62/AM62A/AM62P/AM67/AM68A/AM69A) and what are…