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  • TPSM82913: power output in parallel to get double output current

    Part Number: TPSM82913


    The above illustrates one device application, however the output current is not enough for our application.
    if we can put two devices output in parallel to get double output current. if yes, please provide the application…

  • TPSM82913: What is the difference of TPSM82913 & TPSM82913E?

    Part Number: TPSM82913


    TPSM82913 & TPSM82913E are written in datasheet.
    But I can't find out diffrence of TPSM82913 & TPSM82913E.

  • TPSM82913: Spice Model

    Part Number: TPSM82913
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI



    Need to simulate TPSM82913 but an error comes up when trying to import spice model into TINA-TI using new macro wizard. Is there a TINA-TI model for this part available…

  • TPSM82913: Land Pattern of TPSM82913

    Part Number: TPSM82913


    I have a question about the Land pattern drawing in the TPSM82913 data sheet(page 36).
    (Datasheet link : TPSM8291x 3-V to 17-V, 2-A/3-A Low-Noise and Low-Ripple Buck Power Module with Integrated Ferrite Bead Filter…

  • TPSM82913: TPSM82913 static current is too high

    Part Number: TPSM82913



    The customer tested the static current of TPSM82913, which is much higher than the parameters in the data manual. At a frequency of 1MHz, the minimum static current tested for each channel is 16mA. At 2.2MHz…

  • TPSM82903: how to get lowest output ripple?

    Part Number: TPSM82903

    Hi team, 

    My customer has TPSM82903SISR designed into their board powering an ASIC analog rail (12Vin to 0.82Vout @ 2.5Amax, 1MHz switching). That ASIC has a pretty stringent tolerance requirement, where it recommends no more than…

  • TPSM82913: TPSM82913: Concerns over optimal circuit configuration for 12V to 5V

    Part Number: TPSM82913

    hello. We are planning to adopt the TPSM82913 IC device.

    It must receive a voltage of 12V and produce a stable 5V.

    However, the data sheet is quite lacking in information about 12V to 5V.

    I configured the circuit as shown below…

  • TPS82130: EMC radiated emissions.

    Part Number: TPS82130
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPSM82913, TPS62933, TPS62913

    Hi, we have a design that operates from +12V in and uses 2 TPS82130 devices to generate both 3.3V and 5V DC supplies.
    We have just conducted EMC pre-compliance testing…

  • ADC12DJ5200RF: power block for multiple ADC+DAC

    Part Number: ADC12DJ5200RF
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC39RF10, , TPSM82913, TPSM5D1806


    Could you recommend which power supply can be shared in this multiple ADC+DAC application?

    Customer would like to 5 combination of ADC12DJ5200RF and DAC39RF10…

  • TPSM82913: schematic review, especially input & output capacitors

    Part Number: TPSM82913

    Hi team,

    Could you review two schematic as below? Especially, could you review the input and output capacitors? There are concerns that capacitor value cosiderign DC-bias can't meet device recommendation. 

    Designator Qua…
  • TPSM82913: Thermal Metric definition for module

    Part Number: TPSM82913
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62913

    Hi team,

    Regarding to IC, RΘjc(top) is from die to top of the package through mold compound.

    What is the definition of RΘjc(top)  for the module?

    RΘjc(ICtop)+ the thermal resistance…

  • LM25576: LM25576 as inverting operation and TPSM82913 as buck converter with same external synchron signal.

    Part Number: LM25576
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPSM82913

    I want to synchronize both ICs with the same external clock signal. LM25576 Vin = 7v, Vout = -12v, TPSM82913 Vin =7v Vout = 5v. 

    I want to try in practice but doesnt work.

    Please help.

  • TPS84320: Do we have this Device's IBIS or SPICE model?

    Part Number: TPS84320
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPSM82903, TPSM82913

    Do we have this Device's IBIS or SPICE model?

    Thank you

  • TPSM82912: Efficiency curves for Vin=3.3V with outpout voltage 0.8V, 1.2V and 1.8V

    Part Number: TPSM82912
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPSM82913


    The TPSM82912 input voltage range is 3 to 17V. Would you have efficiency curves for Vin=3.3V with outpout voltage 0.8V, 1.2V and 1.8V?


  • DAC39RF10EVM: some questions

    Part Number: DAC39RF10EVM
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPSM82913

    Hi team,

    There are some questions in order to undestand the EVM schematic and use the schematic as reference for the designing.

    Q1. Could you tell the meaning of "3A, Vin = 3V → 17V…

  • TPSM82913: TPSM82913

    Part Number: TPSM82913


    Could you pls provide the thermal derating information for that device? the datasheet does not include such info.


    Part Number: TPSM82913


    We are using TPSM82913RDUR power module in our design for 12V-3.3V conversion and 12V-5V conversion. We have designed for 1MHz switching frequency. We designed with enable voltage of 3.3V and soft start time of 4.5ms for both…


    Part Number: TPSM82913


    We are using  TPSM82913RDUR power module in our design for 12V-3.3V and 12V-5V conversion. We would like to know the usage of S-CONFIG pin. In datasheet the list of operating modes for S-CONFIG pin is given. As per datasheet does…

  • 低ノイズと低リップルを重視した設計手法を活用し、パワー インテグリティ (電力品質) とシグナル インテグリティを強化する方法

    Other Parts Discussed in Post: TPSM82912, TPS7A94, TPSM82913, TPS62913, TPS62912

    医療用アプリケーション、試験 / 測定、ワイヤレス インフラなどの分野には、クロック、データ コンバータ、アンプを使用し、ノイズの影響を受けやすいシステムが多く存在します。それらのシステム向けの電源を設計するエンジニアは、精度の向上や、システム ノイズの最小化という共通の課題に直面します。「ノイズ」という用語は人によって意味が異なりますが…

  • 如何以低雜訊和低漣波設計技術強化電源與訊號完整性

    Other Parts Discussed in Post: TPSM82912, TPS7A94, TPSM82913, TPS62913, TPS62912

    德州儀器作者: Steve Schnier

    在為醫療應用、測試與量測及無線架構等使用時脈、資料轉換器或放大器的雜訊敏感系統設計電源供應器時,提升準確度和精密度及減少系統雜訊是工程師的共同挑戰。雖然每個人對「雜訊」一詞的定義不盡相同,但本文中我會將雜訊定義成由電路中電阻器和電晶體所產生的低頻率熱雜訊。  您可透過頻譜雜訊密度曲線 (單位為微伏特…

  • TPSM82913: PSRR data for up to 100MHz

    Part Number: TPSM82913

    Hello team,

    Do you have PSRR data up to 100MHz?

    On the datasheet, it is measured only up to 1MHz.

    My customer would like to check the PSRR performance.

    Best Regards,

    Kei Kuwahara

  • 저잡음 및 저리플 설계 기술로 전력 및 신호 무결성을 향상시키는 방법

    Other Parts Discussed in Post: TPSM82912, TPS7A94, TPSM82913, TPS62913, TPS62912

    정확도와 정밀도를 높이고 시스템 잡음을 최소화하는 것은 클록, 데이터 컨버터 또는 증폭기를 사용하는 의료 애플리케이션, 테스트 및 측정, 무선 인프라를 위한 잡음에 민감한 시스템을 위한 전원 공급 장치를 설계하는 엔지니어들이 흔히 마주하는 과제다. "잡음"이라는 용어는 사람마다 다른 의미를 가질 수 있지만…

  • Ultra Low Noise Power Chain for Photo Sensitive applications

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS65530A, TPS65185, TPS63710, TPS62913, TPS54120, TPSM82913, TPS7A88, TPS7A94, TPS7A33, TPS7A30, PARALLEL-LDO-CALC


    I have a power rail requirement of below

    Polarity Voltage Load Current
     + 2.5 400 mA
     - 2.5
  • TPSM82913: Encrypted LTspice model desired

    Part Number: TPSM82913

    I would very much like to have an encrypted LTspice model of the TPSM82913 so I can can simulate its performance using the same format and analysis tools that I am doing for my other non-TI supplies.

    While I understand that TI and…

  • TPSM82913: inverting Buck boost usage

    Part Number: TPSM82913
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62913


    I suppose TPSM82913 can also use as IBB. Is there any additional concerns if we try to use TPSM82913 for IBB? 



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