Often in high-power motor drives or industrial controllers, designers use closed-loop current sensors when their application requires a highly accurate representation of either AC or DC current. Also used in energy and hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) applications, a closed-loop current sensor can utilize a special sensor signal conditioning chip like the DRV411 that includes a Hall effect…
In the first two posts of the delta-sigma (ΔΣ) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) basics blog series, we have discussed the two basic building blocks used in ΔΣ ADCs: the modulator and the digital filter. You’ll encounter many other integrated circuits as you work with these devices, however. The available functional blocks and the many variations of each one are why there are so many different ΔΣ ADCs customized…
As an analog applications engineer, much of my problem-solving involves recommending application circuits for customers to use as subcircuits in their overall product design. Thus, I understand the need for standard values, formulas, printed circuit board (PCB) characteristics and shortcuts for predicting performance.
A colleague of mine, Tim Green, has about 32 years of experience, of which 16 are in board-/system-level…
If you missed Part 1 in this series, here’s the background:
While working on a low-noise amplifier circuit I found that the ceramic capacitors on my printed circuit board (PCB) were exhibiting piezoelectric effects and ruining the otherwise extremely low noise of the circuit. This behavior is common in non-C0G type ceramic capacitors, and to remedy the situation, I decided to test three alternative capacitor types…
This technical article was updated on July 23, 2020.
Arguably the most important parameter that will determine the accuracy of your SAR ADC is settling error associated with the input and reference signals. “Well, what about the noise and linearity errors of the ADC?” you might ask. Good question, but if you’ve already picked a high-resolution ADC, then chances are these intrinsic ADC errors will be tiny compared to the…
Part 1 of this blog series provided an overview of the operation and uses of 2-wire 4-20 mA field sensor transmitters and provided a basic example system. The post also introduced the current transmitter compliance voltage, which when violated prevents the transmitter from properly regulating the current loop.
Today we’ll discuss the circuitry that regulates the output current of a 2-wire transmitter by deriving the basic…
This technical article was updated on July 23, 2020.
As with any complex analog circuit, designing SAR ADC circuits involves multiple tradeoffs and is thus an iterative process. Thanks to SPICE simulation tools, such as TINA-TI and TI's Precision SAR ADC models, accurate computer-based performance estimation after each design iteration is relatively quick and painless.
The most…