• LSF0102: Difference betweeen LSF0102 and LSF0108

    Part Number: LSF0102
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LSF0108,


    Hi team,

    What's the difference between LSF0102 and LSF0108 in addition to channel numbers? 

  • LSF0108: Using LSF0108 as level shifting for SWD

    Part Number: LSF0108


    Hi team,

    Recently we are using LSF0108 with our on-board xds110(3V3) to get a 5V SWD port.

    XDS_VCC = 3.3V, XDS_VBUS = 5V

    However in some cases the SWD comms will fail

    1. example 1 - SWD is fine when using jumper to connect…
  • LSF0108: Ioff Or Partial Power Down Features?

    Part Number: LSF0108



    What is the expected operation for the LSF0108 and other LSF translators if VREF_A is off (0V) and VREF_B & the EN pin are both at 3.3V? Would the B-side I/O be pulled down to GND, would the I/O be high impedance…

  • LSF0108: Design help and impact when using pullup resistors 1k and 198 ohm

    Part Number: LSF0108


    Hi Experts,

    Asking assistance on this query about LSF0108PWR, acting as voltage translator between FPGA (3.3Vdc) and External devices(5Vdc):

    Question is if use 1k Pull Up for data lines at A(Side) of Translator Pin…

  • LSF0108: What's the exact voltage of Vref_B for LSF010x?

    Part Number: LSF0108


    Almost all of the LSF010x datasheet, TVC series part datasheet and related app notes (eg. scea060--Biasing Requirements for TXS, TXB, and LSF Auto-Bidirectional Translators.pdf) say that the design should maintain…

  • LSF0108: LSF0108

    Part Number: LSF0108
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXV0108


    Hi Team,

    We are using LSF0108 in one of our designs to level translate signals between FPGA IO(1.2V) and USB3320

    The max signal frequency is 60MHz and the data are bi-directional…

  • LSF0108: Open Drain or Push Pull

    Part Number: LSF0108


    Hi teams,

    I was wondering if the A port and B port are open drain or push pull? Since I saw in the data sheet mentioned that they can have both open-drain and push pull application.

    Thanks for the help!



  • LSF0108: LSF0108 USE?

    Part Number: LSF0108
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXU0101, TXU0102


    1、It is required to achieve 3.3V to 5V PWM square wave output, using the recommended leakage circuit, FPGA leakage output, 3.3V power supply on the A-side, and 1.5K…

  • LSF0108: Output voltage can't pull down to GND

    Part Number: LSF0108
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXU0104



    Customer use LSF0108 for IIS signal. max speed is 3MHz. customer found below issue:

    1. They use LSF0108 to do 1.8V to 3.3V 
    2. when add input pull up resistor 200 ohm, output…
  • LSF0108:About the 200kΩ Bias Resistor Value

    Part Number: LSF0108


    I am planning to use the LSF0108 for bidirectional voltage level shifting.

    It will be used with Vref_A = 1.8V and Vref_B = 3.3V, but I would like to know if the 200kohm bias resistor between VCCB and Vref_B can be replaced…

  • LSF0108: SDIO 50Mhz

    Part Number: LSF0108
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXS0206A,


    Hi expert,

    Customer is looking for a level shift solution 1.8V <> 3.3V for SDIO with 50Mhz clock rate. They used to use TXS but failed and pass with TXB. What they learnt…

  • TXU0304: SPI Driver with multiple Slave GPIO

    Part Number: TXU0304
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LSF0108, TXV0108, TXV0106, TXU0104, TXU0102, TXU0202, TXS0108E



    I am looking for a SPI level shifter however I need one which can handle multiple devices.

    Ideally would be TXU0304…

  • LSF0108: external pullup is required?

    Part Number: LSF0108



    We are using this for voltage level shifting (3.3V to1.8V)for SPI interface. Please let us know if any external pullup resistors are required? 

  • SN74AXC8T245: Propagation Delay

    Part Number: SN74AXC8T245
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LSF0108



    Our application as below, 

    Singal direction VCCB->VCCA

    CH2: VCCA=0.66V

    CH1: VCCB=1.2V

    We found the signal has been distortion data rate about >10Mhz.

    I need check…

  • LSF0108: Can LSF0108 be used for SPI level conversion?

    Part Number: LSF0108
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXU0304


    Can LSF0108 be used for SPI level conversion?

    If possible, is there a reference design for converting 1.8V SPI to 3.3V SPI interface using LSF0108?

  • TXS0108E-Q1: TXS0108E-Q1 : PTXS0108EQWRKSRQ1 (VQFN) Footprint requirement

    Part Number: TXS0108E-Q1


    Hi Team,

    In our project, we are using PTXS0108EQWRKSRQ1 part (VQFN). But I didn't find PCB footprint details in Datasheet or online.

    Could you please share the details for PCB footprints of VQFN Package o…

  • LSF0108: i2c signal degradation

    Part Number: LSF0108
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ4050, TCA9801


    I connected between SMARC module (IMX8 anao) and several i2c periferals the levelshifter LSF0108 to confert 1.8V to 3.3V:

    There is 470k pullup on the IMX8 1.8V side…

  • TXB0106: for SD card IO translation

    Part Number: TXB0106
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LSF0108, , TXS0206A, TXS02612


    is there any reason the TXB0106 or LSF0108 Auto-Bidirectional voltage translators could not work in place of application specific translators like TSX0206A…

  • LSF0108: LSF0108 question

    Part Number: LSF0108


    Hello, I'm using LSF0108PWR for level shift. My circuit as below:

    The result I want is:

    1,When +V_ADJ = 1.2v, +Vp_A_R=1.8V, +Vp_A = 1.8V, Port A's level 1.2V <------> Port B's level is 1.8V.


  • SN74AXC8T245: Bidirectional TDM 4MHz buffer

    Part Number: SN74AXC8T245
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LSF0108, , SN74AHC1G126, SN74LVC2G126, SN74AUP2G125


    So i need change the voltage LVL of a TDM 4mHz buss from 1v8 to 3v3. TDM master also changes ( it is either on the 1v8 side or…

  • LSF0108: LSF0108 questions regarding behavior at same voltage

    Part Number: LSF0108
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LSF0101


    Hi Team,

    I have a few questions regarding the LSF0108 IC.
    Firstly i didnt see anything regarding what would happen if VccA= VccB . Or what would happen if the voltage difference…

  • [FAQ] Which IBIS model should I choose for simulating Auto-Bidirectional Translators (LSF,TXB,TXS) ?

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LSF0101

    FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation >  Auto-Bidirectional Level-Shifters > Current FAQ

    In most cases, it is recommended to test with the device EVM instead as it yields much more accurate results under specific…

  • TXS0108E-Q1: Is suitable for MII Mode?

    Part Number: TXS0108E-Q1
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXV0108-Q1, LSF0108-Q1, LSF0108, TXS0108E


    Hi Team,

    In our design, we are going to use TXS0108E-Q1 IC for MII Mode (Speed: 100Mbps) interface (TX and RX pin connection are connecting…

  • LSF0108: delay between ports

    Part Number: LSF0108



    When signals are input from Port1 to Port8 with EN active, is there a time difference between the signals output from each port? Is it correct to assume that there is no delay because it is driven by FET?


  • SN74GTL2003: IC function check

    Part Number: SN74GTL2003
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LSF0108


    Hi Team

    My customer would like to consult with you and discuss the internal MOS action principle of SN74GTL2003. The picture below is the internal circuit of SN74GTL2003…

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