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Part Number: MSP430F6736
Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
Hi team,
I am using the following example code for SD24 converters from the resource explorer:
#include <msp430.h> #include <stdio.h>
/* Array to store SD24_B conversion results…
Part Number: MSP432WARE Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2640 , CC3100 , MSP432E401Y
I have some difficulties to fully understand which product fits my use case. As an software engineer, I am new to electrical engineering, so please excuse obvious…
Part Number: MSP430FR4133 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-EXP430FR4133 , BOOSTXL-BATPAKMKII
We have discovered an issue on some MSP-EXP430FR4133 LaunchPad where the male pins on the J1, J2, and J3 headers (the BoosterPack headers) were clipped off…
Part Number: TIDM-THREEPHASEMETER-F6779 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F6779
With Reference to the reference design:
SLAA577G–January 2013–Revised August 2015 Implementation of a Three-Phase Electronic Watt-Hour Meter Using the MSP430F677x…
Part Number: MSP430F5528
Can someone clarify what temperature range the TLV ADC gain and offset parameters were intended for? Were these TLV parameters optimized from -40C to 85C or
at room temperature only?
Dear MSP community,
The complexity of applications is increasing, and the integration of functions on a single chip is also increasing. Therefore it is natural that dedicated functions sometimes do not work as a developer expects.
In such cases, often…
Part Number: MSP-FET Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430-FLASHER ,
**This is an informative post and all replies will be ignored. If you have questions or issues, please make a new E2E post and reference this one. Thank you. **
There is a known issue…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F6779A , MSP-FET Hello All,
I want to detect power supply fall and write data to Internal Flash memory.
Actually problem is my code is going in ISR at power ON instead power OFF.
Here is my code
#include <msp430…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F6747A , MSP430F6747 , MSP430F67471 Hi Community member,
Please let me confirm the following question.
[Question.1] Would you please show me the difference between MSP430F6747 and MSP430F6747A?
[Question.2] Would you…