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  • AFE7920: Intermittent Output Failure

    Part Number: AFE7920


    We are using the AFE7920 in a 4T4R service equipment design. While the system generally performs well, we’ve encountered a rare issue where one of the four outputs intermittently fails to operate. This occurs at a…

  • AFE7920: Abnormal output at the moment of power failure

    Part Number: AFE7920



    My customer has a problem using AFE7920. 

    Ch1 is the output of AFE Tx Balun, Ch2 is the PAU enable given by the system for triggering, and Ch3 is the power supply of TXAP/TXAM 1V8 in front of AFE Tx balun.


  • AFE7903: Inquiry on AFE7903 Suitability for Cellular Repeater Applications

    Part Number: AFE7903
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE7920


    Dear Texas Instruments Support Team,
    I'm here to request your support on the potential use of the AFE7903 transceiver for a project we are developing.

    Our aim is to integrate…

  • AFE7920: device spec/ datasheet with limits

    Part Number: AFE7920


    I am looking for a device spec/ datasheet with the min and max limits filled in for parameters like NF maximum allowable input power etc...

    Many thanks

    -Ray wallace

  • AFE7920: AFE7920 ADC FPGA to JESD Pass Test

    Part Number: AFE7920

    i'm bringup afe7920 with xilinx zynqmp.

    In latte, we got the settings we wanted and
    ZYNQMP wrote the settings to the AFE7920 via SPI.
    But the data coming from the AFE7920 to the FPGA is unchanged.


    So I wanted to send something…

  • AFE7920EVM: CE/EU Declaration of Conformity (aka EU DoC) required for AFE7920-0P7EVM.

    Part Number: AFE7920EVM


    The part number on query is actually not AFE7920EVM but AFE7920-0P7EVM. For some reason AFE7920-0P7EVM was not being "recognised" in the Part Number field.

    SKU is AFE7920-0P7EVM was only recently added to our portfolio…

  • CE/EU Declaration of Conformity (aka EU DoC) required


    I do have a Part Number but for some reason it is not recognised here: SKU is AFE7920-1P8EVM

    This was only recently added to our portfolio. 

    Please can you provide the CE/EU Declaration of Conformity for this product. It seems the CE/EU Declaration…

  • AFE7920: Potential Issues developing on AFE7920 & Transitioning to AFE7952

    Part Number: AFE7920
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE7952


    Are there any concerns or issues with developing on the AFE7920 & transitioning to an AFE7952 in the future? 

    Thank you!

  • AFE7920: how can i get latte gui for setting afe 7920

    Part Number: AFE7920

    hello i'm bring up my custom board with afe7920.

    i need latte gui because config afe7920 many settings, how can i get latte gui.

    i can't find this software

  • AFE7920: The latest API version of the AFE7920

    Part Number: AFE7920


    What is the latest version of the AFE7920's API program? What I've been using is CAFE2p4. Also if there's a new one, please let me know how I can get it.


  • AFE7920EVM: f I may use TSW14J58 for AFE7989 EVM evaluation?

    Part Number: AFE7920EVM
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE7920, AFE7989, AFE7769D


    as I am also evaluating AFE7769D, so I applied TSW14J58, so I am wondering if I may  use TSW14J58 for AFE7989 EVM test? The AFE7920 EVM user guide refers that TSW14J56…

  • AFE7920EVM: Can I use this eval with Xilinx VCU118 board.

    Part Number: AFE7920EVM
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE7920


    We are planning to use AFE7920EVM for our testing with Xilinx VCU118 board.

    For configuring the device, we are planning to use USB to SPI interface, available on AFE7920 eval board with…

  • AFE7920EVM: S parameters for revision A and B

    Part Number: AFE7920EVM
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE7920, AFE7950

    Hi Team,

    Would it be possible to provide S parameters for the EVM with AFE7920 on it, for revision A and B?

    We currently have in our possession what we figured out to be revision…

  • AFE7920EVM: Adjusting the DAC matching network

    Part Number: AFE7920EVM
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE7920

    Hi Team,

    I noticed recently that on the TI secure folder are a couple of excel documents about AFE79xx matching networks, suggesting what kind of changes one should do to improve operation…

  • AFE7920EVM: Power gain in analogue repeater configuration

    Part Number: AFE7920EVM
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE7920

    Hi Team,

    I recently did an experiment with AFE7920EVM, where at the input of it's ADC A I bring 0 dBm signal @ 600 MHz, and then I measure the signal at the DAC A output.

    DAC A NCO frequency…

  • AFE7920EVM: Access to the LMK registers

    Part Number: AFE7920EVM
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE7920,

    Hi Team,

    I was wondering if there is a way in Latte to log the content of LMK registers, in a manner similar to what is already being done with AFE7920 registers.

    At the moment in my script…

  • 低ノイズと低リップルを重視した設計手法を活用し、パワー インテグリティ (電力品質) とシグナル インテグリティを強化する方法

    Other Parts Discussed in Post: TPSM82912, TPS7A94, TPSM82913, TPS62913, TPS62912

    医療用アプリケーション、試験 / 測定、ワイヤレス インフラなどの分野には、クロック、データ コンバータ、アンプを使用し、ノイズの影響を受けやすいシステムが多く存在します。それらのシステム向けの電源を設計するエンジニアは、精度の向上や、システム ノイズの最小化という共通の課題に直面します。「ノイズ」という用語は人によって意味が異なりますが…

  • 如何以低雜訊和低漣波設計技術強化電源與訊號完整性

    Other Parts Discussed in Post: TPSM82912, TPS7A94, TPSM82913, TPS62913, TPS62912

    德州儀器作者: Steve Schnier

    在為醫療應用、測試與量測及無線架構等使用時脈、資料轉換器或放大器的雜訊敏感系統設計電源供應器時,提升準確度和精密度及減少系統雜訊是工程師的共同挑戰。雖然每個人對「雜訊」一詞的定義不盡相同,但本文中我會將雜訊定義成由電路中電阻器和電晶體所產生的低頻率熱雜訊。  您可透過頻譜雜訊密度曲線 (單位為微伏特…

  • 저잡음 및 저리플 설계 기술로 전력 및 신호 무결성을 향상시키는 방법

    Other Parts Discussed in Post: TPSM82912, TPS7A94, TPSM82913, TPS62913, TPS62912

    정확도와 정밀도를 높이고 시스템 잡음을 최소화하는 것은 클록, 데이터 컨버터 또는 증폭기를 사용하는 의료 애플리케이션, 테스트 및 측정, 무선 인프라를 위한 잡음에 민감한 시스템을 위한 전원 공급 장치를 설계하는 엔지니어들이 흔히 마주하는 과제다. "잡음"이라는 용어는 사람마다 다른 의미를 가질 수 있지만…

  • AFE7920: AFE7920 Thermal Information

    Part Number: AFE7920

    Hi! I was wondering if there is any thermal data available for the AFE7920? I'm specifically looking for thermal resistance information (θJC and θJB) and the maximum junction temperature. Any help would be greatly appreciated…

  • AFE7920: Multi-device sync

    Part Number: AFE7920


    We are developing a Beamforming system using four AFE7920s.

    After the initialization of the first AFE7920 is complete, we proceed with the initialization of the second AFE7920.

    We perform the initialization of the four AFE7920s…

  • AFE7920EVM: AFE7920EVM repeater setup error

    Part Number: AFE7920EVM
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE7920, AFE7950, AFE7900

    Hi Team,

    I've recently encountered a strange error when trying to run my Latte script (see below).

    I am running the repeater configuration with pll in distribution…

  • AFE7906: AFE7906

    Part Number: AFE7906
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE7920, AFE7950, AFE7900,

    We have lot of reference sch as reference with AFE7900, AFE7920,and AFE7950 to design AFE7906 and updated design is AFE7920 is developed in 2022 jul.

    We want to make phase…

  • AFE7920: Interpolation/Decimation Filter Coefficients for AFE7920

    Part Number: AFE7920


    I want to use AFE7920 in NR RF Repeater System.

    but, latency of AFE7920 limits application of AFE7920.

    Can I change interpolation filter coefficients for DUC and decimation filter coefficients for DDC of AFE7920.

    If possible…

  • AFE7903: Inquiry about pin compatibility between AFE7903 and AFE7920

    Part Number: AFE7903
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AFE7920,


    My customer wants to know if there is pin compatibility between AFE7903 and AFE7920.

    If AFE7920 is replaced with AFE7903 on a board designed to use AFE7920, are there any anticipated…

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