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  • TPS62912: TPS6291x used as Inverting Buck-Boost Converter?

    Part Number: TPS62912
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62918, TPS62914, TPS62916, TPS62913


    Hello TI experts,

    Can the synchronous buck converters from the TPS6291x family (TPS62912, TPS62913, TPS62914, TPS62916 and TPS62918) be used a…

  • TPS62912: Synchronize the TPS6291x by a source which is powered by the TPS6291x's output voltage.

    Part Number: TPS62912


    We tested the TPS62912 in your evaluation board and are really happy with it.

    However, our design needs the TPS62912 to be synchronised by a clock source which is powered by the output of the TPS62912.

    Is there a…

  • Need help selecting 12VDC to Vout : 4V-5V (+3.3VDC)@200mAmp supply

    Part Number: TUSB1104
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS7A94, TPS561246, TPSM861252, TPSM82912, TPS62912


    Dear Sir/Madam,

    We are developing FMC card using TI Redriver TUSB1104 for our 10 Gbps, USB3.2, Gen2, 2x2 mode IP core testing. Host…

  • TPS62912: S-conf pin current

    Part Number: TPS62912



    I hope you are doing well.

    What is the current value on S-conf pin ? Thanks !

  • TPS62912: test setup for noise performance measurement

    Part Number: TPS62912


    We are trying to measure the noise density vs frequency and repeat the plot shown in the data sheet. Would you please suggest the setup/equipment used for this measurement? Thanks.

  • TPS62912: Generate a negative output from +12V input

    Part Number: TPS62912
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62913



    Quick question.

    Is it possible to generate a -1.8V from TPS62912 with a +12V input?

    I was thinking to switch GND and VOUT on the output of the switch regulator.


  • TPS62913: component placement on top and bottom layers ?

    Part Number: TPS62913
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62912

    My design requires a very small footprint, and to do so I would like to put components of the power supply circuit on top and bottom layer.
    Can I place the (shielded) inductor on bottom when…


    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62912

    Last year, I did several designs in power designer. I could access them by logging in.

    Non of them is visible when I log in now. Can anyone help to get those designs back?

  • TPS62912: TPS62912 use in sync mode with clock provided from FPGA it tries to power up

    Part Number: TPS62912

    I am trying to use TPS62912 to power FPGA, but I want to run it in sync mode after initial phase of powering up.
    What is correct sequence to start it with enable only and then add sync logic when FPGA will be functional. Is it possible…

  • IWR6443: Power Considerations

    Part Number: IWR6443
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP87745, IWR6843LEVM, IWR6843ISK, TPS62912, TPS628502


    I am looking at power options for IWR6443. The design should mostly prioritize noise performance, but keep an eye on power efficiency and thermal…

  • TPS62913: Floating S-CONF pin

    Part Number: TPS62913


    As part of a Failure Modes and Effects Analysis we are performing on a power system based on the TPS62913, we need to consider the possibility of an open circuit on the resistor connected to the S-CONF pin, which will result…

  • TPS7A94: Layout review of TPS7A9401DSC

    Part Number: TPS7A94
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62912


    Below is my schematic arround TPS7A94  for my custom board, i have tried to maximum follow the EVK

    But still i wish to know if there are any flaws in my layout

    Kindly have a look and drop…

  • TPS62912: Layout review of TPS62912RPUR

    Part Number: TPS62912


    I have done below layout for device TPS62912RPUR for my custom board, i have tried to maximum follow the EVK

    But still i wish to know if there are any flaws in my layout

    Kindly have a look and drop your valuabel comments


  • TPS62912: Filtering Noise and Isolating with Ground loop filter(TPS62912, TPS63710 and LDO there after)

    Part Number: TPS62912
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA699


    I started my approach of Schemati design from below suggestions and arrived at a final schematic in slno

    1. Ultra Low Noise Power Chain for Photo Sensitive applications - Power management…

  • TPS63710: Ultra Low noise negative supply design

    Part Number: TPS63710
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62912


    I have a power rail requirement of below

    Polarity Voltage Load Current
     + 2.5 400 mA
     - 2.5 400 mA
     + 5 620 mA
     - 5 330 mA

    Its already disucssed at Ultra Low Noise Power Chain…

  • Schematic Review of Power supply based on TPS62912RPUR,TPS7A9401DSC,TPS7A3301RGWT

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS7A94, TPS62912, OPA699, TPS7A33, TPS63710

    This  Schematic Review request is in connection with suggestions of parts made in below thread

    Ultra Low Noise Power Chain for Photo Sensitive applications - Power management…

  • 低ノイズと低リップルを重視した設計手法を活用し、パワー インテグリティ (電力品質) とシグナル インテグリティを強化する方法

    Other Parts Discussed in Post: TPSM82912, TPS7A94, TPSM82913, TPS62913, TPS62912

    医療用アプリケーション、試験 / 測定、ワイヤレス インフラなどの分野には、クロック、データ コンバータ、アンプを使用し、ノイズの影響を受けやすいシステムが多く存在します。それらのシステム向けの電源を設計するエンジニアは、精度の向上や、システム ノイズの最小化という共通の課題に直面します。「ノイズ」という用語は人によって意味が異なりますが…

  • 如何以低雜訊和低漣波設計技術強化電源與訊號完整性

    Other Parts Discussed in Post: TPSM82912, TPS7A94, TPSM82913, TPS62913, TPS62912

    德州儀器作者: Steve Schnier

    在為醫療應用、測試與量測及無線架構等使用時脈、資料轉換器或放大器的雜訊敏感系統設計電源供應器時,提升準確度和精密度及減少系統雜訊是工程師的共同挑戰。雖然每個人對「雜訊」一詞的定義不盡相同,但本文中我會將雜訊定義成由電路中電阻器和電晶體所產生的低頻率熱雜訊。  您可透過頻譜雜訊密度曲線 (單位為微伏特…

  • 저잡음 및 저리플 설계 기술로 전력 및 신호 무결성을 향상시키는 방법

    Other Parts Discussed in Post: TPSM82912, TPS7A94, TPSM82913, TPS62913, TPS62912

    정확도와 정밀도를 높이고 시스템 잡음을 최소화하는 것은 클록, 데이터 컨버터 또는 증폭기를 사용하는 의료 애플리케이션, 테스트 및 측정, 무선 인프라를 위한 잡음에 민감한 시스템을 위한 전원 공급 장치를 설계하는 엔지니어들이 흔히 마주하는 과제다. "잡음"이라는 용어는 사람마다 다른 의미를 가질 수 있지만…

  • TPS62912: efficiency at low Vout

    Part Number: TPS62912

    Hello Team, 

    any idea how to get the efficiency at low Vout, e.g. 1.2V@0.23A and 1.1V@0.5A >90%, please? With Webench simulation I cannot achieve this.

    Thank you and Best Regards, 


  • TPS63710: Reducing output noise od DC-DC converter

    Part Number: TPS63710
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62912,


    I need to design ultra low noise power supply for PID controller for our university laser research. Power consumption is estimated around 12V 200 mA for MCU, op amps and ADC/DAC. Output…

  • TPS54120: Layout Review

    Part Number: TPS54120
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS62913, TPS62912,

    I am using TPS54120RGYT for Power supply to Analog Supply Below are my Schematic and Layout, Requested for comments.

    Kindly review my layout for any blunt flaws, i have followed…

  • TPS62912: Undervoltage transient at the top of the ramp

    Part Number: TPS62912
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: , TPS62913


    I'm using a TPS62912 in my design, and notice that there is a large undervoltage transient at the end of the soft-start sequence on all four instances of this power supply on my…

  • TPS54120: Power Supply Schematic Review for Reduced Noise

    Part Number: TPS54120
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC3669, THS4541, , TPS62913, TPS62912


    Below are my three different needs of powersupply for low noise applications(Analog Front end using THS4541 and ADC3669) for which i have chosen TPS54120…

  • TPS7A20: LDO recommendation for #1 3.3V to 0.9V/280mA and #2 3.3V to 1.8V/320mA

    Part Number: TPS7A20
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP5912, TLV755P, TLV702, TLV743P, TLV740P, TPS62912

     Hi team

    Could you help recommend the correct devices for the following applications?

    1. 3.3V to 0.9V/280mA, TA=65°C, PSRR @1khz>60dB
    2. 3.3V to…
1 2 3