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  • Recommendations for Velocity Vector and Spin Vector Sensors

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: IWR6843, IWR6843ISK


    I am a student of mechanical engineering developing smart balls using a different concept. I have equations to plot the trajectory of a ball moving in air. The equations have 2 variables that…

  • CCS/LP-CC2652RB: Data transfer from android smartphone to cc2652LP serial port using BLE Scanner app

    Part Number: LP-CC2652RB
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2652RB, CC2650

    Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

    Hello, i have to send data from CC2652RB LP to android enabled smartphone. For this i am using project zero example code. I have successfully…

  • LMP91002: LMP91002 and square wave voltammetry

    Part Number: LMP91002


    Can LMP9100x be used with standard electrodes. Are there any examples of this afe used as potentiostat with cyclic or square wave voltammetry?

    I found this thread but there no response on it:…

  • 60GHzレーダーによる産業および車載マーケットの発展を考察する



  • CCS/LP-CC2652RB: Not getting TI RTOS example under project templates

    Part Number: LP-CC2652RB
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SIMPLELINK-CC13X2-26X2-SDK

    Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

    Hi all,

    When i am trying to create a new TI RTOS project from project explorer, i am not able to get a TI RTOS projects under Project…

  • CCS/LP-CC2652RB: Reading a sensor value and transmitting via bluetooth

    Part Number: LP-CC2652RB

    Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


    I have to read a analog sensor's value and transmit the same value to an android phone via bluetooth.

    Please suggest how i shall start.


  • IWR6843AOPEVM: Prototype and Other Device Compatibility

    Part Number: IWR6843AOPEVM
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: IWR6843, , IWR6843AOP


    I'm building an object avoidance and detection system prototype with the IWR6843 AoP EVM.  The system will be mounted on a type of vehicle that will only move…

  • PGA460PSM-EVM: PGA460PSM-EVM with MSP-EXP430F5529LP

    Part Number: PGA460PSM-EVM
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-EXP430F5529LP, ENERGIA, BOOSTXL-PGA460, PGA460

    Hi there,

    I bought the PGA460PSM-EVM. I want to try this with example codes (PGA460 Energia Library and Code Example (Version 1.0.9) (Rev. I…

  • CCS/LAUNCHXL-CC1352P: Sending a large array from Collector to Sensors over 15.4 without OAD

    Part Number: LAUNCHXL-CC1352P
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG

    Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

    I saw Savinda Gunawardena had worked on sending a large array (120kB) from Collector to Sensors over TI15.4. I'd like to know how that went along…

  • Estimation of DOA with SWRA553A


    I want to use SWRA553A to estimate direction of arrival of external signals. I know the module can detect position of objects by trasmiting a signal and doing signal processing on the received signal, but I don't want to transmit signals from the…

  • Measuring water quality parameters through a wireless sensor node

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMP91200


    I'm struggling to find a way to build a wireless node that could sustain itself from months without changing batteries.

    I want to measure TDS (Conductivity), Ph level, and water temperature.

    Thanks in…

  • TMP006

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMP006

    Dear reader,

    We are working on app for optimization for solar installation. We have some interesting idea for some new sensor development, we have support from Hong Kong ans Malaysia governments using the TMP006…

  • RE: TIDC-CC2650STK-SENSORTAG: Device Description: Device expandable with DevPacks to make it easy to add your own sensors or actuators

    Thank you for the reply! Do you know if it is possible to add sensors using the Debug DevPack? The DevPack contains its own expansion header. 

  • TIDC-CC2650STK-SENSORTAG: Device Description: Device expandable with DevPacks to make it easy to add your own sensors or actuators

    Part Number: TIDC-CC2650STK-SENSORTAG
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC2650, CC2640R2F

    I am looking to purchase this device but looking to add support for an external sensor. The device description suggests that it can be expanded. I cannot seem to find…

  • AWR1642: AWR or IWR mmWave Product Solution

    Part Number: AWR1642
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: IWR1843, IWR6843, AWR1843,


    I am very new to TI products, but have come across the mmWave product that I believe can possibly be the best solution for my product. I am building a product with…

  • PGA460-Q1: Short Distance Measurement with High Frequency Transducer MA300D1-1

    Part Number: PGA460-Q1


    I mistakenly pressed "This resolved my issue" button on previous thread. So I am putting up a follow up question for the linked thread.

    I tried using Murata MA58MF14-7N in the bi-static mode for short distance measurement…

  • BOOSTXL-PGA460: Using High Frequency Transducer with PGA460 EVM

    Part Number: BOOSTXL-PGA460


    I am using BOOSTXL-PGA460 for the development of an application. The application specification requires object detection in the range of 10cm-30cm. According to the literature for short range detection high frequency transducer…

  • TMUX136: very small AC signal application <10 mVpp with zero bias -5 mV to +5 mV

    Part Number: TMUX136

    Hello Wittney,

    I need to MUX analog sensor interface with capacitive sensor output  (<100 pF sensor capacitance)

    with <10 mVpp peak signal <1mVpp typical signal and zero ground bias and current <100 uA.

    In some applications…

  • PGA460-Q1: Short Distance Measurement with High Frequency Transducer

    Part Number: PGA460-Q1
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BOOSTXL-PGA460, PGA460


    I am using BOOSTXL-PGA460 EVM for my project. I tested the EVM with the shipped transducer Murata MA58MF14-7N and it was working perfectly for distance measurement above…

  • RE: HDC2010: Functional Failures HDC2010YPAR

    I understand handling and we use EDS protection, When you say clean environment, is there any special requirement for this? clean room is required?

    When you say sensor is in the bottom of the package it means that is located in the same side than the…

  • RE: HDC2010: Functional Failures HDC2010YPAR

    Thanks for you reply. In order to assure the porper re-hydratation is necessary a special equipment / oven / etc?

    Is enought if product is keeped to normal enviroment on the production area (aasuring that RH is in the range of 30-40%)?

    Do you thnis that…

  • PGA460: Interfacing multiple PGA460 to single MSP430F5529 Launchpad

    Part Number: PGA460


    I am working on a project which requires four ultrasonic transducers. I have two send a burst from one transducer and listen at another and vice versa. So I am planning to use PGA460 for this application. I have already bought…

  • TDC1000-GASEVM: TDR Time of flight measurement with TDC1000

    Part Number: TDC1000-GASEVM

    I have been working on a project to design TDR based Soil Moisture measurement device. I have bought TDC1000-GASEVM for measurement of time of flight. I have configured all the settings on GUI but I am getting time of flight…

  • TDC1000-GASEVM: Change in Time of Flight when frequency of TDC clock is changed

    Part Number: TDC1000-GASEVM


    I am using TDC1000EVM board for time of flight measurement for a Time domain reflectometer(TDR) measurement. I am not using TDC1000-Boost board and transmitting pulses from TDC1000EVM board only. In my application i have…

  • RE: CCS/TDC1000-GASEVM: How to flash and debug custom code to TDC1000-GASEVM

    Hi Bharat,

    Thanks for the reply.  In the following thread 

    it is written that we can flash and debug code on MSP430 avaialable at  TDC1000 EVM through JTAG at J1 connector. Could you please explain how to do so?


    Nishant Sharma

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