• LMX2582: Testing

    Part Number: LMX2582
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC12DL2500



    We are expecting proto boards in a few days and unfortunately the scopes will not be available during that time.

    We are SPI programming the PLL with FPGA to set to 1800MHz…

  • LMK04828: PLL2 DLD Edge falls

    Part Number: LMK04828
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC08DJ3200, ADC08DJ3200EVM, LMX2582,


    Hi everyone,

    I have a design similar to the ADC08DJ3200EVM with an ADC08DJ3200, a LMK0828 and a LMX2582. The design works on a lot of the boards…

  • LMX25412380EVAL: Measurement Setup

    Part Number: LMX25412380EVAL
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: USB2ANY, LMX2541, LMX2582, LMX2581EVM, LMX2581


     Hi team,

    Could you please let me know the measurement setup of LMX25412380EVAL?

    My customer already has LMX25412380EVAL and USB2ANY…

  • LMX2582EVM: LMX2582 EVM phase noise degradation when programmed with external microcontroller and integrated with system

    Part Number: LMX2582EVM
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2582, USB2ANY


    Dear Sir,

    We have purchased the LMX2582 eval board so that we can evaluate the performance before using it in the system. After evaluation, we have developed the…

  • LMX2582: frequency range extend

    Part Number: LMX2582


    is it possible to use LMX2582 to generate frequency to 10KHz?

  • LMX2594: Device ID Register for LMX2594 & LMX2582 Required for Analysis - Reg

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2594, LMX2582


    Dear Team,

    Good Day!!!!

    Request to share the Device ID register for the LMX PLL Part required for design purpose. Searched in Datasheet and other forum no data is found. Kindly, share the…

  • LMX2582: lock problem

    Part Number: LMX2582


    According to the TICS export register and sequence, it still cannon lock to a defined frequency, Vt voltage 0.37V at power on, 0.04V after writing...

  • LMX2582EVM: LMX2582

    Part Number: LMX2582EVM



    Can you please explain the calculation for the T match network in the RFoutBP and RFoutBM section: 



  • LMX2582: LMX2582 stop output after PLL division coefficient changes several times

    Part Number: LMX2582



    My customer uses LMX2582 for wireless communication equipment and is currently testing the first version of PCBA. After completing the configuration of LMX2582, the customer set the PLL division coefficient…

  • LMX1214: Jitter & rise/fall time

    Part Number: LMX1214
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2582



    can you share information for below points.

    1.  What is the value on jitter I/P pins (CLKIN_P/N).

    2. What is the value on jitter O/P pins (CLKOUT1_P/N).

    3. What is the output…

  • LMX2582: Support on PLL rise time/Fall time, Phase Jitter, frequency tolerance, Input Duty cycle/High time

    Part Number: LMX2582
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PLLATINUMSIM-SW


    HI ,

    In LMX2582RHAT we are giving 

    Input Frequency : 100 MHz

    Output Frequency:  1800 MHz on each output respectively .

    For Testing /Debug purpose we would like to know the…

  • LMX2582: Support on VOCM , VOD for LMX2582

    Part Number: LMX2582



    We would like to know VOCM (Common Mode Output Voltage) , VOD(Differential output Voltage) ?

    For VOD, We are setting Output Power Code (OUTx_POW) - 7.Based on the graph  in the datasheet the corresponding dBm value…

  • LMX2582: Support on Common mode input voltage for LMX2582

    Part Number: LMX2582



    We are Giving an input signal of 100 MHz LVDS signal (AC Coupled ) to OSCIN_P/N pins of the PLL. We would like to know what is the common mode input voltage VICM  of the IC ?? Kindly check and revert ASAP.

  • LMX2582: ADS Device Model

    Part Number: LMX2582


    Is there a possibility to get Keysight ADS device model for LMX2582? It would be highly beneficial to us if we can get it. 



  • LMX2582: Query on Current consumption calculation

    Part Number: LMX2582



    We have a query with LMX2582 Current consumption . Typical current consumption is given as 250 mA.(Provided in datasheet)


    1. Should have to include "CHDIV_DISTB_EN", "OUTA_PD" and "OUTB_POW"…
  • LMX2582: Support on Programming using SPI interface

    Part Number: LMX2582


    HI ,

    In our Design, LMX2582 PLL is used and programmed by FPGA using SPI interface. We have used TICS PRO Software and generated an HEX File  

    Below are the queries:

    1. What should be the sequence of programming ?
  • LMX2582: How to improve the output signal quality in vibration condition?

    Part Number: LMX2582
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK04826, CDCLVC1310, , LMK6P, LMK05318B, LMK5B12204



    my customer uses LMX2582 for RU application, they got clean 76.8MHz differential clock signal from LMK04826, then turn it…

  • LMX2582:Lock detector(LD_EN) not working

    Part Number: LMX2582


    {LD_EN (R0[13] = 1)}이 제대로 작동하지 않는 것 같습니다.
    MUXout(20핀) 출력은 0V로 측정됩니다.

    500MHZ로 설정했는데 실제로는 430MHZ로 출력됩니다

  • LMX2582: Routing PLL output

    Part Number: LMX2582
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX1214



    I want to route one channel output of PLL to LMX1214. Should this be routed as 100 ohm differential?

    The second channel of PLL is routed to ADC12DL2500ACF. Should this also…

  • LMK61A2-100M: Support and review of LMK61A2 Oscillator

    Part Number: LMK61A2-100M
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2582



    Kindly review the above Schematics and provide feedback. LMK61A2 is connected to LMX2582RHAT PLL.

    Instead of two 49.9 Ohm resistors (R5641, R5706), Can we use a single…

  • LMX2485: LMX2485

    Part Number: LMX2485
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2582, LMX2572


    Hello there!

    I am working on a project that requires the use of VCOs.

    We need VCOs that operate at the following frequencies:

    • 900 MHz to 1000 MHz
    • 1800 MHz to 1990…
  • LMX2582: New oscillator verification for PLL input

    Part Number: LMX2582
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC12DL2500



    We are planning to use oscillator (P/N: LMK61PED0A2) as input for PLL (P/N: LMX2582RHAT), this oscillator frequency will be set to 100MHZ.

    The output of PLL (P/N: LMX2582RHAT…

  • LMX2582: RFOUT caps

    Part Number: LMX2582
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX1214, ADC12DL3200EVM



    Output of LMX2582 is set to 1800MHz which will be the input frequency for ADC12DL2500ACF and LMX1214

    What would be the suggested capacitor value at the RFOUT…

  • LMX2582: Thermal numbers

    Part Number: LMX2582



    Can you please share RthjA and RthjC of this part LMX2582RHAT?


  • LMX2582: Pins 30, 40 and series SPI resistors

    Part Number: LMX2582
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC12DL3200EVM,



    1) In ADC12DL3200EVM, PLL's pin 30 is connected to GND using 680 ohm PD resistor. In the datasheet, this pin is given as NC.

    Can we keep LMX2582's pin 30 as NC…

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