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  • INA296A: Output is getting saturated for the Voltage drop

    Part Number: INA296A


    I need to amplify the voltage drop measured across shunt resistor - (1mohm). The maximum current through the resistor is 62A for our requirement. 
    So, the voltage drop would be 62mV.We need to amplify the drop with…

  • OPA855: Question About Using OPA855 for Differential TIA Design

    Part Number: OPA855
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMH32401


    Hello, my name is Chanhee Moon.

    To get straight to the point, I’m trying to design a differential TIA using the OPA855.
    Using Texas Instruments' TINA simulator, I set up…

  • INA114: Sensing direct current in microampers

    Part Number: INA114
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA2321, INA333

    Hi! I've been locking a way to sense direct current in microamperes, my idea is to use a 1 ohm shunt resistor to pass from current to voltage, amplify it and sense it with an 10bits…

  • INA851: Thermal Pad to Ground not VS-

    Part Number: INA851

    Is there an issue with connecting the Thermal Pad of the INA851 to ground rather than VS-? The datasheet says to connect to the most negative rail VS- but doesn't give any reasoning why. I'd like to know if there will be any function…

  • INA129-EP: What is the Thermal Tail Settling Behavior of this amplifier?

    Part Number: INA129-EP


    What is the Thermal Tail Settling Behavior of this instrumentation amplifier? 

    The intended application is for the amplifier to settle to 16 bits. 


  • INA350: INA350ABSIDDFR has 2x gain

    Part Number: INA350
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2837,

    I have a circuit where I'm using the INA350ABSIDDFR part to amplify a signal. As per datasheet there are only two possible gains: 10x or 20x (selectable by the GS pin).

    In my circuit I have…

  • TIPD164: Design Optimization Query

    Part Number: TIPD164
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA826, ADS1248, , INA159, INA823

    In TIPD164 design, they have used INA826 and  INA159 for converting voltage and current source to required range for ADS1248 IC . Why cant we use INA826 directly using…

  • INA821: How to choose an LDO for the INA821 with a single supply

    Part Number: INA821
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS7A47-Q1, ADS1256

    I have an INA821 instrumentation amplifier, he said his output noise at 0.1-10Hz is 2.5uV (assuming the input signal noise is lower than 2.5uV), I use a single supply of 10V to…

  • TLV9002: Single-supply strain gauge bridge amplifier circuit

    Part Number: TLV9002
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA350

    Hi Team,
    I want to design a circuit that measures the readings from a strain gauge.
    The Bridge resistance is 350 Ohms.
    The excitation voltage is 12V.
    I am following this application note as my reference…

  • INA818: substitute INA126

    Part Number: INA818
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM27762, , INA126, INA826, INA828, INA333, TPS65133, OPA365


    I need to amplify a signal with hundreds of mV DC + tenths of mV AC at tenths of kHz. The voltage signal will be read between a know…

  • INA118: output not centered around reference, gain incorrect.

    Part Number: INA118
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TINA-TI


    I'm building a circuit intended for use with an EEG product (you may as well consider this irrelevant, i'm using signal generator signals to input simulated, oversized EEG signals, to verify…

  • INA118: INA118 for EEG (anyone with any INA experience welcome).

    Part Number: INA118
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA826, INA826EVM, INA818


    I am currently designing a basic EEG circuit, i have centered the design around the INA118, the design is shown below.

    I have followed the general/classic architechture…

  • INA849: INA849: TINA simulation error with single power supply

    Part Number: INA849


    I tried to simulate INA849 with the following spec. 

    • Vin+ : 3.5V
    • Vin- : 3.4V
    • Gain: 9
    • Vdiff: 100mV
    • VCM: 3.45V
    • Vout observed: 1.0V
    • Vout expected: 0.9V

    Any clue?

    TINA simulation model attached

    1067.sbombj8 (1).tsc

  • INA826EVM: Compatibility with 4-wire Load Cell and Connection Confirmation

    Part Number: INA826EVM
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA826, , TINA-TI

    Dear All, 

    My query was regarding the use of INA826EVM (INA826 Evaluation Board) with a 4-wire load cell, and I just wanted to check whether the following connections are correct…

  • INA111: Picoamp current measurement using instrumentation/operational amplifier

    Part Number: INA111
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA331, INA818, INA121, INA332, , LMP7721, TINA-TI

    Hello all,

    I am in the process of developing a circuit to measure the device current, the minimum device current in the order of picoamp. The shunt…

  • INA827: Loadcell Instrumentation Amplifier Calibration

    Part Number: INA827

    Hi All,

    I am using INA827 along with load cell for my ADC frontend. I would like to calibrate my ADC using external mV source. How can I achieve the same? I have shared my ciruit below.


  • [FAQ] How to Select Amplifiers for 4-20mA Field Transmitter Applications

    Field transmitter is a general term that encompasses the common industrial process control systems: pressure, temperature, and flow. While pressure, temperature, and flow transmitters each pose distinct design challenges and considerations, some signal…

  • LMH730316: Gerbers and Performance

    Part Number: LMH730316
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMH730216, , DUAL-DIYAMP-EVM

    We are designing an instrumentation amplifier based on the LHM6703 SOT-23-6.  There was a previous request for the LMH730316 gerber files. TI replied that they didn't have…

  • ADS122C04: How to drive with INA317

    Part Number: ADS122C04
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: INA317, , OPA314

    I have watched videos and read articles about how to drive SAR A/D converters but there is only minimal information regarding Sigma-Delta converters.

    In my application I want to drive…

  • INA188: INA188 level shift with gain

    Part Number: INA188


    I want to level shift with gain an 2.5V mean, 1V p-p (1.5V to 3.5V) signal with INA188 instrumentation amplifier.

    I want the output with 5V mean and 3V p-p. So I set gain resistor 25k to have 3 gain, and VIN- input to 2.5V. Also…

  • RE: INA118: INA118 related problem for low signal below 0.3mv. here i amplify this voltage by 2 using 50k register, But out is not coming 2 times of input please suggested me.


    This is Anurag Sohane from Thapar university, Patiala (Punjab-INDIA). This is funny and lovely question.  We are both different guy.

    My question is not resolve till now that is given below. 

    1. How INA118 is used for low voltage application.

    2. Is any…

  • RE: INA118: INA118 related problem for low signal below 0.3mv. here i amplify this voltage by 2 using 50k register, But out is not coming 2 times of input please suggested me.


         How can i relate my problem with this diagram. Please alos suggested me low volatge instrumentatio amplifier other than INA118P .

  • TLV4170: Instrumentation Amplification not happening.

    Part Number: TLV4170
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA4170, TLV9004

    Hi .. 

                We are using TLV4170 as an instrumentation amplifier configuration with single supply voltage topology. What we are facing the issue is with 3.3Volts supply. For 5v supply…

  • INA333: EMG circuit - Suggestions for improvement

    Part Number: INA333
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV9062, LM324

    Hi all,

    I my free time, I designed the attached schematic. My intention is to monitor EMG signals from the arm muscles. The circuit is quite self explanatory, two electrodes connected…

  • INA828: INA828 saturation issue

    Part Number: INA828

    Hello all,

    I have run into a strange issue with the INA828 instrumentation amplifier. Below is a description of the problem. 

    I am using the INA828 instrumentation amplifier to measure a negative voltage, which will eventually make its…

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