• TXB0104: TXB0104 Source-series termination Recommendation?

    Part Number: TXB0104



    I am using TXB0104 for voltage level translation of I/O between two microcontrollers operating at 3.3V and 3.0V. Are there any output source-series termination recommendations to maintain trace impedance of 50…

  • TXB0104-Q1: output impedance

    Part Number: TXB0104-Q1
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXB0104


    Hi team,

    Why the output impedance of TXB0104-Q1 changes when the VCC changes?

    If the VCCO = 3.3V, what is the output impedance of TXB0104? 40 ohm or 50 ohm?



  • TXB0104: TXB0104 Pspice model

    Part Number: TXB0104


    Hi Team,

    I know we don't have TXB0104 Pspice model  but want to check which similar device have Pspice model and can help evaluate TXB0104 ?


  • TXB0104: buffering TXRX signal issue

    Part Number: TXB0104
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AHC245


    I use TXB0104 as a buffer for amplifying signals form TFP2 programator. Power supplied Vcca=Vccb=3V3.
    For some reason TXRX signal HI level from TFP2 side is being reduced…

  • TXB0104-Q1: TXB0104 Replacement Material

    Part Number: TXB0104-Q1
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXB0104, , TXU0104-Q1, TXU0204-Q1, TXU0304-Q1


    I'm trying to design a 1.8V to 3.3V circuit.,When the PCB was finished I realized that this feature was not available,Because the circuit…

  • TXB0104: Component Failure Rates per IEC TR 62380

    Part Number: TXB0104


    I would like to clarify something related to the Component Failure Rates calculation per IEC TR 62380. Currently, we are using your part number in our project, and we are planning to perform a FMEDA, for this we need…

  • TXB0104: output state with high impedance input when enabled

    Part Number: TXB0104


    Hi Team,

    What state are the TXB0104 outputs in, when input is high impedance and device is enabled (OE = high)?

    Thank you,


  • TXB0104: VCCA and VCCB tolerance

    Part Number: TXB0104
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXU0204


    Hello, can the voltage of VCCA exceed VCCB to some extent? I do understand the datasheet specifies that VCCA must not exceed VCCB, but is there some margin in this or another…

  • TXB0104: The first pulse passing through the part is distorted

    Part Number: TXB0104
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXU0104



    I am using this part as uni-directional voltage translator between an FPGA and various programmable RF devices. Here's an example schematic:

    I have noticed that the…

  • TXS0104E: TWI Interface Issue

    Part Number: TXS0104E
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXB0104



    I have used TXS0104EPWR IC for voltage translation of TWI SCL and SDA signals from 3.3V to 1.8V.

    While trying to detect the TWI slave device, slave is getting detected…

  • TXB0104: TXB0104

    Part Number: TXB0104
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXU0104



    I am using the TXB0104 in my design (schematic attached.
    in my design VCCB is 5V and VCCA is 3.3V

    - The input to VCCB is off / 24V fed to the pins via resistor split as shown…

  • SN74HC163: SN74HC163

    Part Number: SN74HC163
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXB0104, TXU0104, TXU0102


    Dear Folks:

     I have a project with 16 channel multiplexer 74hc163 and a power supply of +5v and GND. As I need to connect it to a raspberry Pi 4 , voltages…

  • TXB0104: need to know meaning for all characters on top mark

    Part Number: TXB0104


    Dear All,

    I want to have your information about the meaning of Texas part#TXB0104YZTR.

    Here is top mark characters "2A62KI" on my part whereas Texas allows me to know only device/part ID top mark as the below link…

  • LSF0204: Smaller package size than LSF0204

    Part Number: LSF0204
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXU0304, TXU0104, TXU0204, TXB0104


    Hi team,

    Do you have smaller size 4bit level shifter recommendation? Now we can find LSF0204 with 2*1.7 size. 

  • SN74AXC4T774-Q1: Driving strength question

    Part Number: SN74AXC4T774-Q1
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AXC4T774, TXB0104, TS3DS10224, TXU0304-Q1


    Hi team,

    Customer is using SN74AXC4T774 - Q1 for SPI interface. Is there any limitation of the layout?

    Please see below for 2 paths…

  • TXB0104: Seeing unusual behavior

    Part Number: TXB0104
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TS3DDR3812, TXS0104E


    Hey Team,

    In the circuit we utilized for one of our industrial sensor read kits, we incorporated a TXB device as a bidirectional buffer. According to the datasheet…

  • TXB0104: TXB0104 with open drain input

    Part Number: TXB0104
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXU0104, SN74LVC3G17, TXS0104E


    Hi team,

    customer use TXB0104 for 5V to 3.3V level shift. The input signal is from optocoupler encoder and it's a open drain signal. I know that TXB0104…

  • TXB0104: TXB0104 OE clarification

    Part Number: TXB0104
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXU0304



    In my system I need to scale down SPI signal and TXB0104 seems to be ticking a lot of boxes, including cost. The caveat here is that it needs to do it in almost back to…

  • TXB0104-Q1: Abnormal start-up translation waveform

    Part Number: TXB0104-Q1
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXU0104-Q1, TXB0104


    Hi Expert,

    My customer Li-Auto is using this device for level shifting between MCU and SoC in IVI platform. Below is the simplified diagram and schematic:


  • [FAQ] Which IBIS model should I choose for simulating Auto-Bidirectional Translators (LSF,TXB,TXS) ?

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LSF0101

    FAQ: Logic and Voltage Translation >  Auto-Bidirectional Level-Shifters > Current FAQ

    In most cases, it is recommended to test with the device EVM instead as it yields much more accurate results under specific…

  • TXB0104-Q1: TXB0104QRUTRQ1-Failure Mode Request

    Part Number: TXB0104-Q1


    Hi Ti Team,

    Please provide below mentioned part numbers Failure modes details.

    1. TXB0104QRUTRQ1




  • TXB0104-Q1: The reliability of IC after running it out of specification for a while

    Part Number: TXB0104-Q1
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TXB0104



    I am using TXB0104-Q1, 4-bit bidirectional voltage-level translator with auto direction sensing and +/-15kV ESD IC with the given schematic as below:

    We have the…

  • TXB0104: Color issue of chip coating

    Part Number: TXB0104


    The current material is 2 years old. From the pictures, it appears that the 12 pieces of sample material have yellowish stains. From the specifications sheet of this material, the coating is NIPDAUAG treated, which…

  • TXB0104: slides or doc of Translator

    Part Number: TXB0104


    Hi team,

    ASUS is verify our TXB0104 for their application.

    The customer would like to have a preliminary slides or doc of Translator's functions, working principles, applications, etc.

    Do you have any relevant information…

  • TXB0104: Question about the application of SPI signal

    Part Number: TXB0104


    We would like to use two TXB0104RUTR as SPI signals buffer because the traces are too long.

    My question is the datasheet mentions the "Maximum data rate" is 60 Mbps, does it need to div 4 to get 15Mhz for support single…

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