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  • TPS1663: tdVdT Formula: V x C equals time?

    Part Number: TPS1663



    I have some problems understanding the fomula for inrush calculation in the TPS1663 eFuse. The datasheet gives two formulas:

    (page 16, chapter 9.3.1)

    (1) I(inrush) = C(out) x V(in)/tdVdT

    (2) tdVdT = 20.8e3…

  • TLV9004: Slew Rate and temp dependency for small signal values and comparator application

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV9004


    Hello there, 

    I am using TLV9004 opamp for one of my application, i am using it as a comparator without any hysteresis

    My threshold set in inverting input is 2mV and my signal is ~6mV (for more than…

  • TLV9151: Slew rate TLV9151 problem

    Part Number: TLV9151
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV9161, TLV9051, OPA323



    I have a problem with the op amp TL9151SIDBVR. It operates in a differential to single ended circuit. The problem is that for frequencies above 50kHz…

  • OPA2675: Issue with pspice model slew rate

    Part Number: OPA2675



    I am using the unencrypted Pspice model for the OPA2675 in a Cadence Virtuoso testbench. I am trying to drive the gates of two FETs with their own respective op amp, and I like the OPA2675 for its fast slew rate…

  • LMX2594: Automatic Ramping slew rate

    Part Number: LMX2594

    Hi Team,

    There is a section I didn't understand in the datasheet describing the maximum slew rate of the automatic ramping must be kept less than 250kHz/us.

    The example given just below this section shows…

  • THS3491: THS3491 Slew rate

    Part Number: THS3491
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: THS3061,

    slew rate of THS3491 is 8000 V/us ((20% – 80%) and slew rate of THS3061 is 7000 V/us for 20V-step and 5700 V/us for 10V-step (25% to 75% level) which indicates that THS3491's rise time…

  • LM5069: Questions regarding LM5069 Design with additional slew-rate circuit

    Part Number: LM5069

    Hello, i have severals questions regarding the LM5069 Reference designs and the Design calculator:
    My design uses LM5069 to limit current to approx. 20A  @48V and to protect against short circuit. Hot-plug scenarios are not relevant…

  • SN74LXC8T245-Q1: Input Slew Rate Requirement

    Part Number: SN74LXC8T245-Q1

    To whom it may concern -

    Does the SN74LXC8T245-Q1 have an input slew rate requirement (min and max requirement)? If so, what is the requirement?


  • [FAQ] DP83TC812S-Q1: How to to adjust slew rate of MAC IOs

    Part Number: DP83TC812S-Q1

    Reducing the slew rate of MAC interface IOs can provide improvement in EMC emissions for some frequencies. This can be done using register 0x456.

    0x456 bits [5] and [0] control the impedance of the RX and TX MAC interface pads…

  • TPS25981: Pinrush, Iinrush and Slew Rate calculations

    Part Number: TPS25981

    Hi there!! I am about to use the TPS259813ARPWR in one of my new designs and I am a little bit confused about some data of datahseet. It's about the startup calculations and how to check if the startup is safe in my application.…

  • AM2634: Does the VDD rail (1.2V) have a slew rate or ripple requirements?

    Part Number: AM2634

    I am powering the 1.2V VDD/VDDARn rails from an external regulator and need to know if they have any slew rate or ripple requirements.

    Your help would be greatly appreciated

  • TLV9302: Increament of Slew Rate in Op-Amp.

    Part Number: TLV9302
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV9362, TLV9352, OPA2992

    Hi there,

    I'm using TLV9302 (Rail to Rail) opamp.+12V & -12V given as supply voltage. PWM pulse of 1KHZ given as input at 16ns time period. At Op-Amp's output we get…

  • DAC63204: Changing function generator slewrate at runtime

    Part Number: DAC63204

    Is there any special action required in order to be able to change the function generator slew-rate?

    I have test code that successfully sets up the DAC0 output to generate a sine-wave:

        // First value (word) is the data, second…

  • LOG114: Knee in slew-rate at output

    Part Number: LOG114

    Dear E2E team

    I'm evaluating LOG114 for an application that requires some bandwidth.

    The test circuit is as follows (Vsupply = 5 V, bypass capacitors not depicted but present):

    The measured response is shown in this screenshot…

  • LMK00804B: How is slew rate ( rise and fall time) optimized?

    Part Number: LMK00804B
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVCH8T245, LMK00804

    Hello, It would be really helpful if I learn how was slew rate ( rise and fall times) of the output signal improved, in other words slew rate being increased compared to previous…

  • LMG3422R030: GaNFET with build-in gate driver slow Drain-Source voltage slew-rate problem

    Part Number: LMG3422R030

    Hello everyone!

    I am Alper. I am working with GaNFETs with integrated gate driver (LMG3422R030). GaNFET's datasheet states that it has drain to source voltage slew rate during turn on in between 20V/ns - 150V/ns. I designed a…

  • [FAQ] Why does the slew rate in my application not match the op amp’s data sheet?

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TS321, TL074, TLV9001, OPA992, OPA4992, OPA2992, LMV831, OPA345, LMV821-N, OPA377-Q1, OPA376-Q1, OPA377, OPA376, TLV376, TLV9002

    The slew rate in my application is slower than the value stated in the data sheet of the op…

  • THS4032: Slew rate calculation

    Part Number: THS4032

    Hi Team, 
    I am using THS4032 as a trans-impedance amplifier in one of my applications.
    My input signal is a 250kHz, +/-10V signal.
    How to calculate the slew rate and gain-bandwidth product required for the op-amp for such a signal.

  • RE: TLV6742: Slew rate and rise time of small signal

    Hi Michael,

    Thank you so much for your excellent analysis and I have learned a lot from you.

    Besides, after reading 'What is op amp slew rate in a slew enhanced world?, Part 1&2', I have a question about these two equations.

    Does it mean…

  • TLV6742: Slew rate and rise time of small signal

    Part Number: TLV6742
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMP7718, OPA837


    The slew rate of TLV6742 is lower than customer's requirements, however the input signal of customer's system is 2mV, which is small-signal. And from the precision lab training…

  • TLC084A: Slew Rate and Bandwidth

    Part Number: TLC084A
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV9002, TLV9062, TLV9104, TLC084, TINA-TI


    I would choose a cost-effective and widely used operational amplifier as a current sensor.

    Below picture is my specific application scenario(frequency…

  • THVD1429: Slew rate of A, B

    Part Number: THVD1429

    Hi team,

    Does THVD1429 have specs of slew rate at A, B bus terminal?
    There are no specification so I want to know practical value.

    Best regards,

  • RE: LMX2594: maximum slew rate for ramping without calibration

    Noel, thanks again. I did not know about PLL Sim and will check it out.

    Effectively, the slew rate is about 6 MHz/us, because the 100 MHz change

    is finished after about 16 us.

  • RE: LMX2594: maximum slew rate for ramping without calibration

    Noel, thanks for your answer.

    So if RAMPx_LEN= 1 (which is not forbidden), with my example the slew rate

    (the slope of the frequency ramp) is 10 GHz/us= 10000 MHz/us. Can the

    PLL follow this?

    For example, in "An Ultra-Wideband Fast Frequency Ramp Synthesizer…

  • LMX2594: maximum slew rate for ramping without calibration

    Part Number: LMX2594

    A TI employer answered that the minimum ramp duration is 1/fpd.

    Does this mean we get in this small time a nice linear ramp with

    a very high frequency slew rate?

    E.g., if fpd= 100 MHz and the ramp is from 14 to 14.1 GHz (inside

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