• LMK03328: Appropriate clock devices for recovery clock from FPGA SerDes

    Part Number: LMK03328
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK04828, LMK05318, LMK04832, LMK03318, CDCE6214


    Dear Technical Support Team,

    I have been looking into the clock generator and jitter cleaner.

    Input recovery clock from AMD FPGA SerDes…

  • LMK03806: Programming LMK03806 and others

    Part Number: LMK03806
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK04821, USB2ANY, LMK03318, LMK04808, LMK03328, CDCEL925, CDCE6214, CDCE913, CLOCKPRO



    My question is somewhat related to my previous query:


  • LMK03328: TICS Pro Configuration Wizard Optimizing

    Part Number: LMK03328



    I am working on configuring my LMK03328 clock gen in TICS Pro. I am getting a harmonic crosstalk warning between some of my outputs. Is there a way to use these frequencies together so that crosstalk won't…

  • LMK03806: Jitter Performance

    Part Number: LMK03806
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK03328



    I am planning on using the LMK03328 in our design. I have some questions relating to the jitter performance. Is jitter performance different if I use a 100 MHz reference…

  • LMK03328: LMK03328 low probability no output

    Part Number: LMK03328


    Hello, TI's technical experts!

    We have a project that uses LMK02338,as the input clock for FPGA and ADC.

    This project has been mass-produced. There is a low probability (0.5%) that LMK02338 has no output. The…

  • LMK03328: Initialization time

    Part Number: LMK03328


    Dear Mr/Mrs,

    I am targeting an LMK03328, assuming "hard pin mode".

    I have following questions:

    1) Upon low-to-high of pin PDN, the selected ROM page will be loaded. (See a.o figure 10-9 in datasheet).

  • CDCE6214: Guidance for Lowest Phase Noise Performance

    Part Number: CDCE6214
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK03328, LMK04832


    On behalf of a customer:

    What are the guidelines for selecting the PFD frequency, loop filter settings, etc... in TICS Pro to achieve lowest possible phase noise…

  • LMK03328: Loss of signal status doesn't appear to work

    Part Number: LMK03328



    I have a design with the LMK03328 which has an LVDS 20MHz primary input and a 10MHz crystal secondary input.

    I have found that the "loss of signal" bits do not seem to do much, they are always 0 - the reference…

  • CDCM6208: Replace suggest for Si5332B

    Part Number: CDCM6208
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK03328, LMK3H0102


    Hi Team,

    Please help to suggest a replacement for SI5332B.


  • LMK03328: The housing pins have a striking structure as if the pin has a metallic grade

    Part Number: LMK03328


    Hello Team,

    I hope you are doing good. One of our customers bought 45 units of LMK03328RHST, and claim the housing pins have a striking structure as if the pin has a metallic grade. Please see the following pictures…

  • LMK03328: Regarding EEPROM write issue

    Part Number: LMK03328
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: USB2ANY


    Hello support team, 

    I am using LMK03328 in my custom Intel board to provide free running clocks to different Intel FPGA Banks. I have put I2C header access to use USB2any…

  • LMK03328: I2C pull-ups with no power supplying

    Part Number: LMK03328


    Hi support team,

    Can I connect the I2C lines (SDA, SCL) of LMK03328 through pull-ups to a different power net than VDD_DIG when LMK03328 is no power supplied?

    According to section 8.1 of the datasheet, the Abs Max…

  • LMK03328: PCIe gen5

    Part Number: LMK03328



    Could you check whether LMK03328 can support PCIe Gen5 or not? Thanks.

  • LMK00308: Regard the INPUT CLOCK for LVDS

    Part Number: LMK00308
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK03328, LMK6D


    Hi experts,

    I have a question regard the INPUT CLOCK of LMK00308.

    I am using 100MHz oscillator which will supply the PLL LMK03328.
    This finally supply the 2ch CLOCK BUFFER…

  • LMK03328: does LMK03328 EEPROM has default value?

    Part Number: LMK03328


    Hello expert,

    May I know if LMK03328 EEPROM has default value? If yes, do you have default EEPROM code could share to us? And also, do you know how can register value converts to EEPROM file? Customer would like to…

  • LMK6C: Oscillator input to LMX2820

    Part Number: LMK6C
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMX2820, LMK61E08, LMK05318, LMK05028, LMK03328

    Hi All,

    A customer is considering LMX2820.
    We are currently taking measures to reduce phase noise.
    Among them, we are considering TI's oscillator for input…

  • LMK03328: Startup time in jitter cleaning mode

    Part Number: LMK03328


    In my application, I have a clock with significant jitter. I need to double this clock and filter the jitter. I am currently prototyping on the LMK03328EVM development kit.

    With my current settings, the LMK03328 provides …

  • CDCS501: Smaller the amplitude of the output voltage

    Part Number: CDCS501
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK03328

    Hi Team,

    We have a CLK signal that would like to have SSC and so you use the part.

    But the desired CLK signal amplitude are

    - 1.5V 100M CLK

    - 1.2V 100M CLK  

    - 1.1V 100M CLK


    But our CDCS501…

  • CDCM6208: SI52258A replacement

    Part Number: CDCM6208
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK03318, LMK03328

    Hi Team

    do we have any proper solution for SI52258A?

    below is datasheet

    0610-SILABS Si52258A-D01AMR.pdf



  • LMK03328: Jitter cleaning mode

    Part Number: LMK03328
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: , LMK04832


    In my application, I have a clock of around 70MHz. This clock has significant jitter. I need to double this clock and filter the jitter as much as possible.

    I am struggling, however…

  • LMK03328: Timing estimate to switch configuration

    Part Number: LMK03328
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: USB2ANY,


    In my application, I have 2 input clocks, only one of which is active at any given time, and 2 different output clocks which are always active.

    I need to switch between input clocks…

  • LMK03328: Reset the device

    Part Number: LMK03328

    I have a question about I2C access failures. In another thread, we found an I2C access failure event with a frequency of 1/1000.

    LMK03328: POR spec - Clock & timing forum - Clock & timing - TI E2E support forums

    We too have…

  • CDCE913: Start condition with EEPROM

    Part Number: CDCE913
    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK03328, CDCE6214

    Hi all

    Would you mind if we ask CDCE913?

    Can CDCE913 start to operate with EEPROM register setting?
    For example, LMK03328 has Hard Pin Mode (ROM) and Soft Pin Mode…

  • Clock Synthesizer Suggestion

    Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK05318B, LMK03328, CDCE6214, LMK3H0102

    Kindly suggest Clock Synthesizer, where the following outputs shall be configured 125MHz, 100MHz, 156.25MHz (LVDS), 300MHz and 25MHz(LVCMOS). It shall be hard-coded and each outputs…

  • LMK03328: Regarding Ibis Model

    Part Number: LMK03328

    Hi  Team 

    I have  downloaded  IBIS  model  form website , for  using with Hyperlynx  but  only  1.8 V output  models  are  available . If  same  model is  applicable  for  3.3V ? If  not  how  i  can  simulate  for  3.3V ?

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